Looking for an RPing Home

90 Human Warrior
Greetings ladies and gentleman,

To cut the story short, I'm looking to bring one of my characters to an RPing realm and get serious about it. I thought Sisters of Elune might just be this home I'm looking for, so here I am, making myself readily available for anyone who wishes to take me in :)

I was hoping to find an RPing/PvE that would be willing to take me in. I would very much relish to opportunity of chatting with somebody in-game about it - it will be my pleasure.

Hoping to see you around in the realm!
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90 Goblin Warlock
Welcome! Unfortunately the SoE forums are not too active but we were recently merged with Cenarion Circle. Thus, I recommend making a post on their forums as well. You also might want to create a char on either SoE or CC so you can join the AllianceOOC chat channel to get a feel for the community.
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