[A] Human Warlock LF Guild!

80 Human Warlock
Hello there!

I’m currently on Alleria and I’ve decided it’s time to move forward with changing servers, but I’d like to find a good guild to join up with first. I’m a Kingslayer Warlock who’s interested in medium levels of RP with a group of friendly and fun like-minded players. I’d love to be in a place where lore and character development is important.

While my schedule is a bit hectic right now as I just had my first little girl, I would eventually like to do casual raiding and world events. I’m looking for folks to tell some good stories with!

Looking forward to hearing from you!
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100 Worgen Death Knight
It sounds very much like The Reclamation is right up your alley, Lyssina. We're a medium-RP guild (our guild chat is OOC, we have a separate channel for IC interaction) with a casual approach: our primary guild rule is "real life always comes first". You're never going to find Gearscore nonsense in the guild, and it's a guild rule that, once we're raiding, DPS meters are never to be linked in party/raid/guild chat. :)

You can find out a bit more about us at our website at http://thereclamation.guildportal.com Make a toon on Cenarion Circle and come find me, and if you can't find me on (I'm on most nights after 7:00pm Pacific Time), just do a /who reclamation, and ask one of the people if you can speak to one of our officers. The other officers are Wobblegunk (often on his Priest alt Nerada), Sanaan and Bromoberin. We hope to talk with you soon!
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85 Night Elf Rogue
We, the Dawn of Victory would be glad to have you check us out temporarly if you'd like. I think we would fit your 'hectic' schedule seeing as we are currently rebuilding and getting used to our new warm members. We've been around for a bit over a year and have a really tight small knit of friends that look into the social aspect of the game first above all. If you're any sorts interested shoot me a whisper in-game :].
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