[H] Looking for weekend raiding group

90 Troll Hunter
Hi everyone!

Some of you in the RP community will know my name as the leader of Homeland, a loosely-organized RP guild on CC that's been around for a bit over two years (see homelandguild.org for our site). While I love Homeland and the people in it, I'm also looking for some raiding excitement when things get started (January sometime, I'd guess, is when most groups would want to start).

I'd prefer Fridays or Saturdays but Sundays are good as long as they don't run too late (I work in the mornings), and am okay with either 10- or 25-man groups; I enjoy both.

So who wants to bring along a good-natured troll hunter who wants to have some fun, see new things, gear up just like anyone else wants to, and yet stick with the guild she leads?

You can find me in-game (mail or whisper) or in this thread or via the Homeland forums (forums.homelandguild.org).
Edited by Poni on 2/27/2011 7:27 PM PST
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90 Troll Hunter
I'm bumping this up as I'm still looking; I think the group I'd inquired with previously must have found someone as I haven't heard back from them in a long time.
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