[A] Azeroth Explorers Guild, Recruitment/News

People of Azeroth, the next great age of exploration is upon us. We live in turbulent times, and pushing the boundaries of our knowledge is more important than ever. There lies not only value to understanding our past, but value in mapping and understanding newly discovered areas, in such exotic locales as the ocean, or the elemental planes themselves!

This is the mission of the Azeroth Explorers Guild, an expeditionary branch of the League open to membership for people of all races and skillsets. If you hunger to search the forgotten places of Azeroth and bring them to the light, if you have traveled far and wide just to appease an insatiable curiosity, or if you're just an archaeologist with tenacity and ambition, the Explorers Guild is for you.

We are actively recruiting - speak with me or Zaium about joining, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Good hunting to you.


The Azeroth Explorers Guild is a social and light RP guild themed around exploration, as a branch of the Explorer's League.

Roleplaying is not mandatory (unless you want to show up to an RP event, anyway), but it is recommended as it is awesome. If you're new to RP, we'll be happy to show you the ropes. Our /guild channel is in character by default, but there's no problem with specifying stuff as out of character ((traditionally with double parenthesis, like so)).

Just as we're helpful with new RPers, we're also cool with people new to the game in general - exploration both in and out of character is our thing, and it's just as easy to get a rush from realizing that your character is fighting a robotic viking for the first time as it is to research a tribe of raptors that build their own houses.

We also run expeditions on the weekends, roleplaying events with an exploration theme, open to all comers, so you don't need to join the guild just to do some sweet RP (but it helps).

Feel free to contact me or my alt Halloom, or Zaium or his alt Rythir if you're interested in joining (and in-game mail might work better for me, as I am prone to being randomly AFK). We don't require a lengthy application or interview or anything like that, though I'm cool with an in-character recruitment if you'd like one.

I look forward to seeing you in game.
Edited by Borangan on 1/2/2011 5:38 PM PST
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And the blurb finished, I come to the first order of business for Cataclysm: the resumption of the weekly expeditions!

I'm curious as to the times interested people are able to show up to the expeditions. Many times we've picked in the past, I've been approached by people who have wanted to come on an expedition, but whose schedule precludes playing during that time for some reason.

I'd like to get as many people able to come to the guild's expeditions as I can, so I'm interested in hearing from you people, even if you're out of the guild: What times on Saturday and Sunday would you be able/willing to show up to an RP event?

I especially want to know if you're not in the guild, in fact, as guildies I can just ask in /guild.
Edited by Borangan on 12/9/2010 10:54 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Warrior
I bet this expansion with archaeology as well is a dream come true for you! The theme is perfect for your guild. I've role played a bit with you with some of my dwarf alts, and I am preparing to start a gnome mage soon. I'd be interested in bringing my dwarf warrior Bandigan and gnome mage into the guild if you don't mind me not playing them sometimes for a few weeks. I like in character recruitment, I'll get a hold of you in game some time.
Edited by Elrith on 12/10/2010 9:29 PM PST
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Okay, we're holding a guild meeting today, Dec 18th, in the library of the Hall of Explorers in Ironforge at 2PM server, to talk shop with archaeology and to discuss good expedition times.

You don't have to be a guild member to come - anyone with an interest in Archaeology or exploration in general is welcome.
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