Any orc mages on server?

85 Human Paladin
If there is, could you, you know... let us know? I know <Regicide> needs you to die so we can get a guild page.

Pretty sure we can work something out. Hit me up in game or talk to an officer.
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80 Blood Elf Paladin
For the horde!!! I mean, wait what?

Haha I've seen... one orc mage so far. Do they need to be a special level otherwise couldn't someone roll one up to die?
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85 Orc Death Knight
For a nominal fee I can drop my orc mage off in front of stormwind, I'll even dance naked. he's only lvl 25, but if you have an alt somewhere in that range I think you can still get credit for it.

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90 Tauren Druid
12/13/2010 11:00 AMPosted by Zokrah
For a nominal fee I can drop my orc mage off in front of stormwind, I'll even dance naked. he's only lvl 25, but if you have an alt somewhere in that range I think you can still get credit for it.

Has to be level 85, unfortunately.
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