[H-RP] Boutique & Bar Hallows’ End B-Day

100 Goblin Warlock
The following advertisement pamphlet was attached to pumpkins and delivered to a large list of recipients. Reports of the pumpkins coming alive and attacking everyone in the vicinity are just unsubstantiated rumors.

Desirin’ the smexiest costume of them all?
Feelin‘ the urge for some spider leg grog?
Waitin‘ for that gizmo ta scare the ex with?
Or are ya just comin‘ for the funnel pumpkin cake?

Any reason is a good reason ta attend the…

Mormel & Rhazin’s Boutique & Bar™
Hallow‘s End Birthday Blowout!!!

Nyah! That’s right! The Boutique an’ Bar is the only place where ya can buy the best drinks, dresses an’ gadgets in one convenient location! It‘s Hallow’s End time an‘ we are the only place packin‘ the smexiest outfits around! Our new supplier, Sword Elf, has made sure of that! This upcomin' sale will take place at our headquarters:

Booty Bay at the Deep South Tannery

Sunday, October 26th at 7:00 pm (Server Time)

Deep South Tannery is located in the eastern part of Booty Bay near the Tailor, Leather, an' Alchemy shops.

But wait! Not only is it an amazing’ sale with super duper prices but it is also the Boutique an’ Bar’s proprietor’s birthday! Ya heard it! Mormel, the AAMS Ball Queen, birthday is the 26th as well an’ we’ll be pullin’ out all the stops ta make it the best party evar!

Fun sized taurens! Hogger ridin‘ Illidan ridin‘ Deathwin‘! Zombie pole dancers! The bestest magical show performed by Swizzy the Stupendous! Did I mention the funnel pumpkin cake? All this is in addition ta the horrifyingly good deals we’ll have on all our stock!

So there ya have it folks! You’d have ta be headless zombie not ta come by Booty Bay on the 26th for this awesome day!

PS: I like kitty themed gifts.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Only one more week!

It's my birthday so make sure you come. ;-P
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100 Goblin Warlock
Tomorrow is the day!
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100 Goblin Warlock
A big thanks to everyone who was able to make it for the event. It was a lot of fun and a great birthday party :D

I've uploaded two photos titled "B&B Hallows End" from last night to the CC.org site. The following is the address:

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