Horde RPing guilds

90 Troll Shaman
Are there any active RP guilds on SoE that don't have military/mercenary, mafia/syndicate, sex, or vampires at the central RP theme? Looking for something more along the lines of gaining knowledge related to the Old Gods, Titans, Ancients, even the arcane. Even the right religious type RP would be OK just something not cookie cutter. I've been away from the game and this realm for a while, thanks for any insight.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Welcome back! In case you are unaware SoE has been connected (ie merged) with Cenarion Circle so a whole slew of other RP guilds have become available to us. Now the closest guild to what you are looking for is called The Royal Library but it's activity diminished during the Siege of Orgrimmar content drought. Still I recommend getting in touch with them directly to see what their exact status is.

Some other guilds you might be interested in are Da Doctas (a TB based clinic), The Broken House (who hold a story telling event weekly), and AAMS, a cross-faction guild that delivers packages and hosts social events.

Hope this helps!
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