I just wanted to see how all my SoE homies are.
What Up
I'm sure a big, strong, beefy orc like yourself would not mind donating to my person-er... I mean my charity for poor, starving orphans. Yes. Charity. For kids!
If I were still on SoE sure
Awww... ;_;
*waves friendly like* My sister Orcs and I are waiting in queue on WRA. Only 1171 minutes to go. Just passing by. Be well.
11/13/2014 04:18 PMPosted by Animasola*waves friendly like* My sister Orcs and I are waiting in queue on WRA.
I didn't want to wait in that queue so I came back to the toons I left here and got on without a problem.
I am sitting at #2456
ya...gotta wait to get on this server now toO! BOOOO
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