<Crimson Moon> (H-RP) Dice Games {Events}

100 Blood Elf Warlock
“It's hard to walk away from a winning streak, even harder to leave the table when you're on a losing one.” ― Cara Bertoia

Description: <Crimson Moon> an open race cross-realm guild with interests ranging from dice games, races, exploration, treasure hunting, and more. Adventures/missions can take members all over the world, in enemy cities, and/or raids.

RP Events:
Guild is active almost daily for personal rp between members and friends. We also host a number of public RP events.

Races: ALL races are allowed.

Alignment: Crimson Moon is a collection of different families and people with alignments ranging from lawful evil to chaotic good.


Website hosts current story lines, character information, guild announcements, whatever pertains to guild interests for rp, raiding, or pvp. Website also hosts an open calendar for possible RP events the guild may be interested in attending.

~ Vlea & Daesong (on Wyrmrest Accord) & Faeti & Incinerate (Earthen Ring).
Battle tag is Lionpaw#1410

I am one of the Recruiting Officer / Guild Adviser and would be happy to answer any questions here or in game.
Edited by Incinerate on 2/8/2016 5:34 AM PST
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100 Tauren Paladin
Just wanted to say that your member Cowlord was extremely rude and abusive during a random heroic I healed in. He immediately started insulting me (nobody had even died at that point) and saying I was healing badly. And when I called him out on his mix of PvP and DPS gear he was using for tanking, he said that gear didn't matter and you could do these heroics in WotLK blues. Total douchebag.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
11/23/2014 11:11 AMPosted by Stangus
Just wanted to say that your member Cowlord was extremely rude and abusive during a random heroic I healed in. He immediately started insulting me (nobody had even died at that point) and saying I was healing badly. And when I called him out on his mix of PvP and DPS gear he was using for tanking, he said that gear didn't matter and you could do these heroics in WotLK blues. Total douchebag.

Thanks for the information. I will definitely bring this up in the guild's officer meeting. That sort of behavior is NOT tolerated in the guild or under the guild tag. Do you by any chance have any screen shots or anything? Its not necessary but it is helpful in dealing with situations like this!

Edited by Incinerate on 11/24/2014 1:41 PM PST
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100 Tauren Paladin
No screenshots unfortunately.
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100 Tauren Warrior
Dear Stangus .. im sorry if I hurt your feelings .. I was going to offer you advice but insaulting people and mocking them for not havning a gem in a heroic dungen trinket gets on a cows nerves ... with insaulting the lord of all cows comes with some unfortunate and unnessesary retaliation and again I am sorry if I hurt your feelings .. if you want advice on how to play your class feel free to ask I am 2200 plus raited on most classes and I raided H ICC and H DS ( normal SoO I couldn't find a raid group as an enh sham lol) I can asure you I am not inexperienced ... yes I have horrible grammer and spelling .. but please don't go insaulting people who try to offer advice ! thnx The Lord of All Cows
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Still recruiting!!!

Guild could really use some DPS for raiding!

Also actively recruiting people to play and assist in the guilds operations of running a tavern, supply caravan, and research teams (RP)!
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
If your recruiting for raids... a schedule of when you plan to raid might do some good.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
12/02/2014 08:14 AMPosted by Sasskei
If your recruiting for raids... a schedule of when you plan to raid might do some good.

True if we had a carved in stone time to share, but at the moment the raid leader is still collecting the information about when players can and wish to raid. :)
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Seeking a few members to join our Friday/Saturday raid team. We can be super flexible as a number of our members have tanks/healers/dps combos to switch between as needed.

Raid times ~ 7 pm :)
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Updated with our new guild website! http://crimsonmoon.lionpawsden.com/
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Raiding update:

We are still recruiting any member who has an interest in the guild.

However, to be on the raid team, the player must have a gear score item of at least 625/630.
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86 Blood Elf Hunter
hmm... I might make a monk on this server.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
01/25/2015 01:14 PMPosted by Aerlan
hmm... I might make a monk on this server.

The more the merrier! I can supply bags and stuff to help you get started. :)
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Time adjusted to 7:30 pm's / server time.

Currently we are 4/7 normal 1/7 H :)
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Adjusted the raid schedule as highmaul will be run on Tuesdays and our Fri//Sat team is having fun in Blackrock.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Updated for new raid boss kills, notice over our sister guild on Wyrmrest Accord, etc. :)

The guild could really use 2-3 solid players to join our raid team and/or would consider a guild alliance for raiding purposes.
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100 Blood Elf Monk
Darkmoon Fair - starts today.

Guild will be running some dice games & races Thursday, 6/11/2015 @ Darkmoon Fair Island. Group will be listed in the Looking for More - Special group selection under an RP title.

Edited by Daesong on 6/7/2015 7:09 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
Updated to reflect current guild storylines and activity!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Darkmoon Faire is going on again! Dice and game tables will be open/random throughout the week at the faire!
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100 Blood Elf Priest
The storyline "Traitors Among Us" is nearing an end.... in that the traitor(s) may be discovered rather soon, shifting the guild into a new plot. Can anyone figure out who it is behind the murders?

Any curious problem solving / mercenary/ whatever characters are welcome to join in.

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