<Crimson Moon> (H-RP) Dice Games {Events}

100 Blood Elf Warlock
The traitor has been found and slain....

New IC flyers have been posted for a wide range of events and activities the guild will be working on.

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100 Blood Elf Warlock
For the month of December guild will be working on the IC council to plan the direction of the guild's ic efforts for 2016.


Lots of topics up to debate for new events and what not. Its not to late for new members to join and have a say in the guild's directions.

Happy Holidays!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Toad Jumping Contest

Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains

Come join the fun for prizes, refreshments, and a chance to win Big!

February 28th at 6 pm (WRA time - 9 pm Eastern time)

Flyer: http://crimsonmoon.lionpawsden.com/toad-jumping-contest-flyer/
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
For now, the guild will be putting a lot of things on hold. We will still be running the horde supply line every weds on WRA. More info @ http://crimsonmoon.lionpawsden.com/supply-caravan-updated-ic-flyer/

plus other odds and end things from time to time. But mostly taking a break until legions :)
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