Dark Portal PvP Event: 11/12 7:00pm

100 Worgen Death Knight
Cross-posted from the Cenarion Circle Forums:

So the pre-launch event for WoD has been... underwhelming. But we can make this what we want it to be.

So I'm proposing... a PvP free-for-all at the Dark Portal. Alliance and Horde... just going at it. Wear the gear you'll start replacing the day after. PvP or PvE gear, doesn't matter. Just come ready to fight.

Yup, we'll have to wipe out the Iron Horde NPCs/mobs there too. They'll be going after everyone.

Rules are simple:

1) Don't be a jerk. No /spit or /rude emotes, !@#$%^-*!@, etc.
2) Don't camp. Once someone goes down, move on to someone else.
3) Don't force people to participate. If you see someone starting to hearth or mount up to fly away, let 'em go.
4) Stay on the ground. The point is to fight, not park yourself on top of the Dark Portal and snipe people. Fly in if you want, but stay grounded once you're there. Even better: use the Stormwind/Orgrimmar portals to get you out there.
5) Flag up beforehand. No one appreciates being blueflagged.

Post here if you'd like, or if you have fun ideas to add on to things. Let's have the event go from 7:00pm-9:00pm realm time (Cenarion Circle time, which is Pacific), then let's head into Dalaran into the neutral inn where we hosted the first SoE/CC gathering after our realms were connected, and let's clap our Horde and Alliance friends on the back, share some drinks, dance, be silly, use party toys, etc., and enjoy a fun, relaxed night before we all lay siege to Draenor.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
There may be an issue with phasing at the Dark Portal for tonight's event. I just now found out about it. If it turns out the portal is phased by faction, we have the following options:

1) Back up to the valley that enters into the crater where the Dark Portal is, and see if that works.
2) Go to the entrance to the Blasted Lands (the one from the Swamp of Sorrows) and talk to Chromie; ask her to show you the "Blasted Lands of the past". This returns the zone to its normal leveling version, prior to the phasing from the pre-launch event. It means fighting in front of a green Dark Portal, but I still think people can have fun.

IF neither of these winds up working, head over to Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn. Everyone can smack on everyone there regardless of faction, though I still think it's more fun if people keep it faction-based. ;)

Hope to see our connected-realm friends from SoE there!
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100 Worgen Death Knight
My sincerest apologies to anyone who attempted to attend this event last night. A combination of poor planning on my part and someone else hijacking the event led to a CF.

I didn't check beforehand and discover that there was faction-specific phasing in this zone. We could have moved the event to Gurubashi Arena, but someone chose to hijack the event and start it 2 hours earlier.

Again, I apologize if anyone set aside valuable gaming time to try to attend this event.
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