[A] <Bellatores Aurora> LFM daytime players.

40 Human Warrior
Hello all,

We are a family friendly, casual guild LFM to help create a hub for daytime players who might otherwise not consistently have friends to play with. For this expansion our focus is only going to be on growing the guild and getting to know each other so we are not likely going to have a progression raiding team. But if you play during the day (6am-5pm EST) than we can offer you a fun and friendly home with great people who won't judge you based on your gear or ability. Please PM me or send me an in game mail on Cenarion Circle with any questions, comments, or for an invite!


P.S. - Although this is a rp server we are not requiring rp. We can have rp events as a guild if we get enough interest, but it's not a requirement to join.
Edited by Griogar on 11/30/2014 12:17 PM PST
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40 Human Warrior
I also would like to add that we are more than willing to accept evening players who would like to give us a try. We do have a few players at the moment who log in those hours so you wouldn't be alone.
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40 Human Warrior
Good morning Sisters,

Would like to recruit a few people for leadership roles in the guild. Event planners / officers for PvP , RP , Raid Leaders etc... as well as a CO-GM, and of course still looking for members who just want to come hang out.

Have a great day!
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