First of all this isn't your normal recruitment drive. This is more of an Out of Character set up for an RP focused guild. The guild itself is formed currently in name only and isn't going to be going into full RP mode till about middle of January.

So what is the crazy idea you ask? Good question and glad you asked my friends. Simple. I'm the guild GM and I'm going to attempt to work the guild like a table top game by providing the guild storylines and antagonists to play off of.

Now the crazy part, Instead of just making up pretend antagonists to play off via writing or forums stories I'll also be running a second account that will be used to create characters specifically designed to interact with the players. Since I'm only human and don't have infinite time the guild storyline will usually be progressed once a week while the rest of the week is left for normal WoD/Azeroth and community interactions. Kinda like a TV show that has stand alone episodes but an over arching story.

There are two primary reasons we're not starting right away. First is that anyone that wants to join needs to have a fleshed out back story. I can't make an proper antagonist for ya without a story to play with. And second I need to level up the NPCs to at least make them look believable in their roles.

So we're looking for a few people who might be crazy enough to see if this will work.


1. This is some elaborate plot to make your character the boss isn't it!? Not at all. For the most part E's going to play the info dump. She'll get intel reports she gives to the guild members to do with as they wish. I'll play her normally for community stuff but guild stuff she's kinda gonna be a wallflower.

2. I don't believe you! Fair enough. I am kind of an egomaniac.

3. What type of player are you looking for? First of all our biggest rule is OOC first. Consider the player behind the computer first in all things. Don't be a jerk. We're also looking for creative people willing to help out. You'll get back what you put into the guild from time and story.

4. Are the NPC's antagonists just for the guild or can they interact with the community too? Working on starting small and see how much organizing all this is gonna kill me but the overall idea is to branch out with randomness all over the server.

5. What is Pillar's in character concept? General ends justify the means do gooders. Think chaotic good reined in by duty to Azeroth.

6. Who do I contact? Pretty much me for now. Drop me a letter in the mail and I'll work out a time for an OOC interview. It'll help to have you character concept and story fleshed out but not necessary.

7. How strict are you on lore? Fairly strict I would say but pretty okay with anything that's been seen in Azeroth via the games or the books.

Any questions comments or concerns feel free to post em here!