a troublesome person

100 Night Elf Druid
Ever since the server merges there has been a new player from Cenarion Circle on our server who is one of the rudest people I have ever seen. Sister of Elune has always been an awesome server with nice people, but the server merge has hurt it, especially with some of CC's people, but 1 in particular needs to go.

Is there anything we can do to get a player who doesnt abide by our server's general hospitality to be moved to another server? The guy im speaking of is probably easy for most people to guess since he is rather infamous in our server group for being obnoxious and disrespectful to everyone, but im trying not to name-shame.

I would just like Sisters of Elune to stay an awesome server thats not filled with jerks bullying people in trade chat and causing a lot of people to get angry.
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100 Human Death Knight
Unless they do something to violate Blizzards rules severely? No, you can't force someone to leave because you don't like them.

I think I can guess who it is, but I won't "fish" for answers.
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100 Night Elf Druid
even if almost the entire server dislikes the person because they disrupt its friendly atmosphere?
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100 Human Death Knight
I understand the point you're trying to make. If the person you're referring to is the one I'm thinking of (and I really hope it's not me) then I really, really understand because I don't like him either. When presented with a person who is severely unpleasant, the normal reaction is to wish to find their rock and place them firmly back underneath it.

The point I'm making is this: Sisters of Elune is not your server. Cenarion Circle is not my server. These are Blizzards servers and Blizzard has sole jurisdiction over who has contravened their rules and policies to the point that it merits account action. Whether that action is a warning, a temporary ban or permanent account closure, that is up to Blizzard and Blizzard alone.

Servers are not subject to mob rule and you really don't want them to be, trust me. If they were? Any LGBT player, any woman, anyone with a disability, anyone who just couldn't play as well as the "real" gamers and any other arbitrary player who didn't meet up to the expectations of the majority could be in serious trouble, being forced from a server just because of who they are. Of course you could take comfort in the fact that the troublemakers could also be forced off until the majority suddenly decided that you're a troublemaker.

See where this is going?

No. A player cannot and will not be removed from a server just because people don't like them. If you see them doing or saying something that violates Blizzards policies then feel free to ticket it and hope that their behaviour will lead to their eventual escalation to the top of and then into the penalty volcano.

Until then, the ignore feature always has been and always will be an option to remove someone from your chat.

One final thing... I've run across a number of players from Sisters of Elune who have been quite rude and have tried to spoil my personal playing experience out in the world through the old stand-bys of stealing a node I'm fighting for, kiting mobs over my AOE, etcetera ad nauseum. Because of these experiences does that make me regret the coupling with Sisters of Elune? No, not at all. I've met some wonderful folks from your server and there are some wonderful folks on Cenarion Circle. You can't judge an entire community causing your server to "be hurt" by a connection based on the actions and words of a visible minority.

Food for thought.

I wish you well and I wish you some much needed peace..

(edited for typo goblins)
Edited by Monstrum on 12/5/2014 8:49 PM PST
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100 Goblin Warlock
Big servers versus small servers are often compared to big cities versus small towns. Personally I find this comparison misleading and think a more appropriate comparison is a big high school versus a tiny high school. Both have cliques but how they function and the way individuals fit into them differ.

Where I am going with this is that CC/SoE have dominant personalities that provide a face for guilds, factions, in-game races, and even the community as a whole. Because of our small size it can be difficult to avoid someone you dislike but the reality is you just have to do your best to avoid them or live with them. Put them on ignore or leave a chat channel they tend to frequent if need be.

It's unfortunate but we are all humans behind our monitors and it is inevitable that we'll have personality clashes. There are a couple people I have issues with myself so what you are experiencing is not unique. If you are still unhappy after trying to ignore this individual then, sadly, you might want to consider faction changing or server transferring.

No it is not fair but since CC/SoE is like a small high school its dominant personalities are pretty well entrenched and not likely to be going anywhere anytime soon. Furthermore while I do not like seeing people leave our community there is no good reason for you to subject yourself to a social environment you do not enjoy.

12/05/2014 08:48 PMPosted by Monstrum
(edited for typo goblins)

Goblins don't cause typos :o Blame the auto-correct gnomes.
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100 Pandaren Monk
If it is who I think it is, it is best to put his stupid !@# on ignore, as he has been a turd since the BC, if not before. For almost ten years, they have been a turd, you can report him at every opportunity, maybe if enough complaints stack up, he'd get a ban, or if we are lucky, a perma ban
Edited by Qaletaqaa on 12/7/2014 9:10 PM PST
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90 Human Warrior
12/05/2014 01:41 AMPosted by Evelyndria
Sister of Elune has always been an awesome server with nice people, but the server merge has hurt it, especially with some of CC's people, but 1 in particular needs to go.

this made me laugh ... soe has its fair share of people who prbly are worse or on par with the person you have mentioned. they may be long gone by now or still on soe

but yea... soe is known as a "WE KNOW DRAMAZ" type of server and has tons of trade troll azzhats
Edited by Stabazam on 12/10/2014 10:45 AM PST
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85 Gnome Priest
Sorry to burst your bubble, but there were people like that on SoE, and plenty of them, LONG before server mergers.

--from someone who was a resident when "We Know Drama" started as the slogan for the server.
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