[A] Husband and wife Duo looking for guild

85 Worgen Warrior
My wife and I recently started playing WoW again.

My wife has always been a casual player and I have always been horde.

We rolled on this server because her highest level character was here (a 55 Mage I think).

My play history is fairly long, end-game raider including BWL and AQ40 in vanilla WoW. Mostly PvPed in BC and then played WoLK basically until I met the girl who is now my wife.

She is leveling a worgen Priest as her main (currently 42), (DK and Mage Alts)

I am leveling a worgen Warrior as my main (curently 45) (Paladin (42 that I run with her priest) and a DK alt)

We don't play enough to be in a hardcore guild nor do we want to be pressured to level faster than we naturally would. play time is around 4-6 hours a day, play times vary based on my rather random schedule but mostly evenings and late nights.

We would just like a good group of people to talk to as we level and then run instances and heroics with once we cap. I would prefer a guild that has voice chat and a website and is fairly well organized.

Thank you for your time reading this.

to contact me ill be on either my Warrior (Wulframight) or my Paly (Jhati) or respond to this post.
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97 Tauren Hunter
Do you roleplay at all? That might help figure out some guild names for you to check out.

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85 Worgen Warrior
RP is not really my thing, at least I never have in WoW. Im not opposed to the idea and I can play along but my impression of RPers generally involves some emo kids screaming at each other and then crying.
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12/20/2010 12:15 PMPosted by Wulframight
my impression of RPers generally involves some emo kids screaming at each other and then crying.

Its funny, because that was my impression of "hard core" players... only they have a wall full of punch holes next to their computer that corresponds to every wipe they've had because the "noob tank can't hold agro" or the "noob healer can't heal." <insert sarcastic smiley face>

But really, this is an RP sever so I am glad to hear that you are at least not opposed to it happening <insert sarcastic-y-er smiley face>

There are a lot of non-RP players on the server, so finding a good home shouldn't be a problem. Ironically, my wife and I started playing WoW as well; only she rolled the Warrior and I have the Priest. We picked CC because my main is here (horde side) from before I took a 6 month break. I always found the general population of CC to be very helpful and beyond the curve as far as respecting others; especially those of us who role play.

Apart from wishing you two luck, all I can say is to give Role Playing a chance. I never considered it to be anything worthwhile; but after getting bored with the daily grind of leveling and gearing up, it was a refreshing atmosphere that I found both compelling and interesting. Now, i can't see myself playing where BUT an RP server.... but that's just me!
Edited by Vasilia on 12/20/2010 2:40 PM PST
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86 Human Paladin
Mother Approved is usually really active in the evenings up until the whee hours of the morning. Alot of us are starting to use Ventrilo more often, and while we are for the most part, a raiding guild....social invites are always welcome. Besides, there is casual level 85 PvP, a semi-casual approach / serious attitude-mentality raid group if you ever feel like dabbling into that sort of thing.

But if not I'll just power level you to 85 so you can tank heroics for me. Mwhahahaha!

We have a website that I'm in the process of putting the finishing touches on, so feel free to have a look around there if you wish. For any further questions, you should probably hit up one of the officers, Alrix, Vesther, or the guild leader Zarthelas.
Edited by Replica on 12/21/2010 12:37 AM PST
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Hi Wulframight,

The Reclamation is (currently) always recruiting. We're a medium-RP guild (our guild chat is out of character so our non-RPers don't have to feel uncomfortable talking in the guild's channel) with one rule overriding all others: real life comes first. I'm the leader, and one of my three officers is almost always on at any given point aside from the wee hours of the morning. I've managed to assemble a pretty cool crew of people I really like.

We have aspirations of raiding probably towards the end of January at our current rate, as we still have some people hitting their 80s right now. In the interim, the guild has a variety of people at a wide range of levels, and we'd love to have some cool new people come join us!

It has an RP introduction on it, and not a lot going on with our forums at the moment (though I'll be working to change that soon), but you're welcome to check out our site at http://thereclamation.guildportal.com Likewise, you can find me (and I may be on my worgen Hunter Shadowpelt if not on this, my main) or one of my officers (Bromoberin, Wobblegunk/Nerada and Sanaan) in game most evenings, and we'd love to talk with you some!
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90 Human Paladin
if you're lookin for a group of people in their mid-late 20's that just like to hang out in vent, joke around and do dungeons, and eventually raid (up to you) you can always contact me in Mouthful of Justice!
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