beginners luck!

I recently started playing warcraft again. My spouse and I started new characters from scratch and have been enjoying the new leveling experience. She's been having an insane amount of beginners luck. We're both level 33 and she has already had four blue items drop from random open world kills.

Last night we ventured into Stranglethorn Vale and we're doing the intro quests out of the rebel camp. We're in the zone for maybe and hour at most doing these quests, and what drops for her?

Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)

At first, she didn't know what it was and I assumed it was just a regular parrot, like the ones that you could buy in Booty Bay, that is, until she showed it too me! We quickly went back to Stormwind to check the Auction House and there was one other listed for sale. She didn't really get excited until I showed her the buyout price of 17,000+ gold (for someone new to the game who only has 6 gold to their name, that is a vast fortune!)

She doesn't plan on keeping it and will probably list it up on the AH or arrange a private sale for it later this weekend. She's not greedy and doesn't expect 17,000 gold for it. I've/we've never had one of these to sell before. My research shows me that 17K gold is a bit on the steep side, with most sites placing it in the 8-10K gold range. Any ideas what would be a reasonable asking price? The AH doesn't track previously sold items (that I can find) so there isn't much to gauge it against.
Edited by Vasilia on 12/17/2010 10:50 AM PST
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85 Undead Rogue
It's worth every copper of 17k gold. I've seen it sell for much more than that.
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100 Night Elf Death Knight
12/17/2010 11:02 AMPosted by Vectus
It's worth every copper of 17k gold. I've seen it sell for much more than that.
Agreed. That sucker is beautiful, and any pet collector would be insulted to take it for less than 17k!

Okay, no, they'd gladly take it for less, but 17k is pretty much dead-on standard price for that bird.

Sometimes I'm glad I'm not a pet collector.

Anyway, hope you can find a nice buyer, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game here. ^^
Edited by Ourie on 12/17/2010 8:04 PM PST
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