Alliance PvP Guild

25 Worgen Priest
I'm looking for a PvP oriented guild here on SoE. I intend on leveling this Shadow Priest through BG's and I'd like to join a guild that may be open grouping up. As soon as Arena's and rated BG's are an option I plan to focus on those.

If there is a reputable guild worth mentioning please do.

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25 Worgen Priest
It's been a couple of days now and still no reply :(
As I mentioned before, I'm still looking for a good PvP guild here on SoE. If anyone knows of one please post the guild's name and I'll look into them. Thanks again.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Honestly Knotts, I am not sure there are any PvP guilds on the Ally side. Your probably gonna be better off starting a guild of your own. Lord knows the Horde do need someone to play with.
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25 Worgen Priest
Lol yeah, starting a guild of my own has certainly crossed my mind. I don't want to bash the Horde at all, but I do want to find a group of people that are serious about pvp here on Sisters of Elune. Like you said, I'm tired of losing all the time on this server. The Horde is dominating here.

I did get a message saying that I should look up The Hive. I was hoping to get some feedback on that guild if that's at all possible. Again thanks for taking the time to read my posts and I've been looking at this thread daily.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Look me up in game if you need a "Feral" for PVP. I'm running into the same problem you did looking for people. The quantity of people that actually PVP on SOE is limited, and the fact that the majority of them are Horde makes it difficult.
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20 Blood Elf Paladin
There are PvP centric guilds like Taco de !%!%sack and some other scrub guild, but both are embarrassingly bad. Most of the core raiding guilds have a handful of great pvpers.
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85 Night Elf Druid
I PvP regularly, I was thinking about making one, but i like my current guild too much to switch into a new one, if you want ill join you guys for arena's ive got 2.4 resillience at the moment... and i know my way around a feral. i also have other maxed toons so... katch me serverside and we shall talk.
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