(A) <Broken Butterfly> is recruiting!

80 Draenei Paladin
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Broken Butterfly
Guild Type: Casual PvE, light PvP, Social, Raiding (in the future)
Contacts: Drakage, Razara, Casitha
Web site: http://brokenbutterfly.atspace.com/
Recruiting: Yes

Information: It's just a few of us starting out, but the guild has been in the works for over a year. We are very organized and we are always looking for mature players to enjoy the game with us. We promote a fun atmosphere and we hope you'll join us.

Additional information: We do ask that anyone wishing to join to please visit our website and click on the "Joining" link for further instructions on how to join. If you want to sign up on our forum, we also request that you do so with the name of the character you wish to join the guild with (for the sake of helping us to stay organized). We are currently not raid-ready yet, but we're hoping to change that once we have a core group of people who wish to take those steps with us to make it happen.
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80 Draenei Paladin
Come and join us for the holidays! We already have one new member and we're still looking for more!
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80 Draenei Paladin
Nothing witty to say, so I'll just say "Come and join us!" because we're always looking for new people. Doesn't matter if you're a new or old player, we're just looking for folks we can enjoy the game with. We've got the friendly place you've always been looking for.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
And yes, we do have level 85 characters.
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We're still recruiting! Join us for our laid back and friendly atmosphere. We're here to help and we're here to enjoy the game with others. If this sounds nice to you, give us a shout in game or visit our website.
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