WANTED: Librarians, Lorekeepers, Writers, Etc

<The Royal Library> is Recruiting!
Cenarion Circle (US) Guild Seeks Members for Writing-Themed RP Guild

Guild Name: The Royal Library
Server: Cenarion Circle (US, Pacific Time)
Website: http://the-royal-library.enjin.com/forum
Faction: Horde
Guild Chat: In-Character
RP Events: Frequent (but not on a fixed weekly schedule)
Guild Home: Silvermoon City (Farstriders' Square, SE corner portico)
Guild Themes: Reading, writing, collecting written/readable in-game items, hosting social events, encouraging artistic endeavors, etc.

Contact: Arjah (GM) or any other active member. Everyone can /ginvite!

Help Wanted: The Royal Library of Silvermoon Seeks Scholars, Artists, and Adventurers

Has your love of words and stories taken you across worlds, or at least down the street to your local library? Then The Royal Library of Silvermoon has the job for you: helping us manage our collection, protect our most valuable items, and share the stories of Azeroth and beyond with citizens of the Horde.

Members of the Horde with an active interest in the written or spoken word are encouraged to contact Acting Head Librarian Arjah in Silvermoon City. Several positions are open, with roles and responsibilities including:

    Librarian - The backbone of our staff, Librarians help maintain and expand our collection of written works. Librarians who wish to do so are encouraged and assisted in planning public events to share or discuss Library materials. Librarians enjoy special access to the private collections and Restricted Materials section.

    Artist-in-Residence - The Artist-in-Residence program gives a home to writers or other artists looking for a change of pace. Come relax in the Library's sheltered environs with your own private study, or accompany our field teams on exciting adventures for inspiration. Writers-in-Residence are offered research assistance with their projects, and encouraged to produce original works for the Library collection.

    Field Team - The field team specializes in expeditions to remote or dangerous areas to acquire Library materials. The Library maintains a "want list" of archival targets, and field team members are encouraged and assisted in planning their own expeditions, whether to the depths of the earth or the cathedrals of the Alliance!

The Royal Library is also seeking talented administrators to help the Acting Head Librarian oversee the entire staff. Interested individuals may, after a short time in a standard role, discuss advancement privately with the Acting Head Librarian or another officer.

((This thread crossposted lovingly to our merged server, Sisters of Elune (US). SoE members are all welcome, and as far as I can tell it will not make the slightest bit of difference to the game or guild mechanics. Happy to have you!))
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70 Blood Elf Priest
((Hello wondering if this guild is still active? Looks interesting and I'd love to learn more about it.))
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100 Gnome Priest
((It's still active, Arjah has been hosting events off and on and slowly recruiting.))
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((Yar, we're around and growing. I've got personal things going on all through Valentine's Day weekend, but I should be around afternoons and some evenings next week.

All members have invite privileges, including new "interns," so feel free to /whisper anyone you see on from the guild about joining!))
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70 Blood Elf Priest
((That's sweet! I'll try to find someone online, I play during weird times, that's also because I'm on the other side of the world but yes, looking forward to it haha ))
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