[A] <Mew Mew Pew Pew> is Recruiting!

100 Gnome Warrior
Greetings and Salutations!

Nibble here for MMPP to let you all know we're recruiting!

We've recently moved to SoE/CC from Thunderlord, and now that most of the dust has settled we're looking to recruit for WoD. We held off recruiting at the end of MoP and beginning of WoD because we knew the move was coming. But now that it's done, we're looking for more!

MMPP was formed in early Wrath by Jasma & Sedara (though these days you'll catch them on Phantastic & Nibbleyabum, respectively) and several people that had raided together in a previous guild that wanted more focus on progression, less loot drama, and overall a better atmosphere. We were a force to be reckoned with, and although we never really entered the progression race (except for once by accident), we did our thing, and we killed bosses. We even taught some of the top guilds on our server a thing or two about some fights. As one of our friends from one of those guilds put it "They do some weird (*&#$, but they kill bosses".

Our style is unorthodox, and its that way for a reason. We've NEVER told anyone they MUST play this class or that class. We want our raiders to have FUN. Play what you like! Now obviously if you're trying to dps as a healer, we're going to have a hard time, but if you want to dps as a hunter, bring your hunter! If you want to heal, we'll find a way to make it work! When we were doing serious 25 man raiding, literally half of our raid was druids and paladins for this very reason (although the Divine Intervention/Battle Rez chains on some fights were AMAZING... though we're probably the reason DI was taken out, and BRs were limited). We didn't stack our raid that way, that's just how it ended up.

We go with what we have, and sometimes that means having to come up with different strategies than the "accepted" way to do a boss, because our unique group composition requires a unique approach that plays to our strengths while minimizing our weaknesses.

Something that's common in our raid runs is arguments over loot, but it's not what you think. More often than not, the arguments are because we all want someone ELSE to get the piece. We all work for the good of the guild, and what will benefit our progression. Sometimes this results in someone winning a roll, then trying to pass it to the person who rolled against them, and the two bicker about making the other person take it. That's a good problem to have I think. We're not bickering in a "THAT'S MINE! GIMME!" way, we're bickering in a "No it's a better upgrade for you, you take it" way.

Enough about raiding. Is raiding all we're about?

The answer is NO!

We've NEVER required ANYONE to raid to be in the guild. If you want to raid you are expected to meet certain criteria and commit to our raid schedule (Thursday/Sunday evenings 6PM - ~8:30 PM Server), but no one is required to raid to be in the guild.

We're VERY alt friendly, in fact a large portion of our roster is comprised of alts!

Our guild bank is there for everyone to use! We all put things in the gbank. Everything from profession mats, to foods, gems, other various consumables, all sorts of stuff! Those things are put in there for everyone in the guild to use, so don't feel bad about taking/wanting something from the gbank. The ONLY thing we ask, is that we don't find something from the bank being sold on the AH. Those things are for the benefit of guildies leveling profs, leveling, dungeoning, pvping, raiding, etc.

We love holding oddball guild events to have a good time and goof around. Some examples of past events include:
  • Drunk Naxx
  • Gnome Races
  • Pet Raffles
  • Mount Raffles
  • PvP Tournaments
  • And More!
  • There isn't a regular schedule for these, they just sort of happen when we get the urge to do something goofy. We'll announce it ahead of time of course to give everyone a chance to join up, and encourage our members to come up with their own! (In fact, the mount and pet raffles/contests are put on by one of our veteran members, and one of my favorite guildies)

    Finally, our only real rules for being in the guild boil down to this...

    Don't be a *&^#@$.

    We're a guild of mostly college students and working professionals, and we'd like YOU as a new member! So hit us up in game, or register on our website and come say hello!

    Website: http://www.mewmewpewpew.com

    Thank you,

    Edited by Nibbleyabum on 2/19/2015 12:59 AM PST
    Reply Quote
    100 Gnome Warrior
    We're still recruiting! Also we've finally started raiding and 5/7 in HM (I know, I know, we're WAY behind, buit that's what happens when you get a late start, and we've only gotten in there twice!)
    Reply Quote
    100 Gnome Warrior
    We currently have special need in our raids for magic damage dealers. We had a bit of a struggle with the 6th boss in Highmaul because we're light on magic dps. We did get him down, but it was ugly. On to imperator!

    Also recruitment is open! If you just want a fun group to hang out with, get in touch with one of us in game for an invite!
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