[H-RP] Malevolence Incarnate is recruiting!

90 Blood Elf Rogue
*Wandering around Orgrimmar, you make your way to the cleft of shadow. There, a poster, tacked to a signpost by a small dagger, catches your eye.*

Outlaws of the horde! Miscreants, Na'er-do-wells, Thieves, and Brigands alike, pay attention!

Have you been forced to turn to a life of crime thanks to Hellscream's new horde? Were you exiled from the Undercity because you refused to go along with their mad experiments and instead fought back? If you seek refuge, than the outlaw's guild known as 'Malevolence Incarnate' will shelter you.

We will not turn you away due to any criminal history you may or may not have, and we will not ask questions!

Interested? Send an unmarked letter of application simply to 'Oristanne', and he will review your request.

((Now for the Out of Character bits. Malevolence Incarnate is a guild that freely shelters any criminals, murderers, etc. etc. of the horde.

Despite this, all members maintain a strong code of brotherhood.

We are just newly formed, with only three members so far, so essentially anyone interested will most likely be accepted. Maturity, open-mindedness, and a good sense of humor are a plus. We will also be lending a hand to low level or new players with leveling, and at 85, heroic dungeon runs, and possibly a 10 man raid group, if numbers allow.

Any questions can be directed towards me, Oristanne, or either or my alts, Fastice or Illithan.

Send me an in-game mail, or shoot me a tell if you're interested. Thanks for your time. :D ))
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
((Bump for recruitment! :D))
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
((Second bump. Haven't gotten many applicants as of yet. I do hope to get some more. :) ))
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Edited by Carana on 1/13/2013 5:37 AM PST
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((Another Bump.))
Edited by Carana on 1/13/2013 5:36 AM PST
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
*Over the location of the old poster, another, larger one is tacked up.*

The times are difficult, citizens. There is no denying this. Cairne Bloodhoof is dead, the forsaken queen seems to seek independence, The goblin trade prince is a greedy little thief, and Hellscream seems to do all in his power to rip the remnants of the horde apart.

But in this jumbled mess, something remains.

The illegality of certain actions, the possibility of execution. Remains.

Now you tell me, is this fair? Is it fair to lose a hand, stealing food needed to survive? To lose a tongue, standing up to the establishment that has made your life hell?

I say Nay, good citizens of the horde! And I will no longer stand for it.

If you agree with these statements, If you have ever needed to resort to crime to feed yourself or your children, If you may face execution in the coming months, or even if you feel the need to be safe somewhere, anywhere, Then join me and mine, and stand up to the injustice being wrought upon us by this so-called "Hellscream's Horde".

My name, is Oristanne. My order is known as Malevolence Incarnate, and we will provide you a safe haven from authorities, no questions asked.

So whether you're a goblin pickpocket, a troll assassin, or just an orc trying to thrive in the wake of Hellscream's destruction, join us. And we will promise to keep you safe as long as you protect your fellow malevolent brethren.

We have need for people of all skill levels, so contact me via unmarked letter, and I will find you.

Stand up to the establishment...And stand with, Malevolence Incarnate!

For Independence!

((This is another bump. Our numbers have grown since the first post, and I thought it was about time to think up another recruitment message. Thank you for reading. :) ))
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A cloaked Sin’Dorei walked out of Rekkul’s Poisons building which was located in the Cleft of Shadows and sighed heavily. Yes, the young rogue bought vials of different poisons for her weapons; not only was it convenient, she didn’t have a clue how to brew them herself. Failiani didn’t care at the moment if she could brew her owns poisons or not; she at least had them for any combat situation she might herself into. She climbed onto her black hawkstrider and started to head off.

The young Sin’Dorei saw the signpost ahead and a large poster tacked on it. Curious, she hopped off of the avian creature and decided to see what the poster was about. Failiani smirked; it was another recruitment message for Oristanne’s order. The young Sin’Dorei rogue had joined his order sometime after she had seen the first recruitment poster; she had her reasons for joining after all.

Failiani didn’t even know how many were in order but maybe the latest recruitment message would get more to join Malvolence Incarnate. She agreed with everything on the message; the horde was in a mess right now. Garrosh definitely seemed to be leading the Horde towards ruin- Thrall was a fool for leaving him in charge. Everything she had heard about the goblin trade prince was he was greedy and shouldn’t be in charge. The Regent Lord of Silvermoon… didn’t seem to be doing anything as usual.

The red haired Sin’Dorei took another glance at the large poster before she climbed back onto the Black Hawkstrider. She held on as it ran towards the Drag; hoping she wouldn’t fall asleep.

((Another bump.))
Edited by Carana on 1/13/2013 5:38 AM PST
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((Another bump.))
Edited by Carana on 1/13/2013 5:37 AM PST
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Malevolence Incarnate or Die, yesss! Or, get robbed, framed, blackmailed, etc, yesss.
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