((OOC Info: Semi-regular RP events hosted whenever I get off my lazy butt and schedule another one! Come join The Royal Library for drinks, discussion, and far too much flirting as we present literary and artistic works from all across Azeroth. Info is cross-posted from the Cenarion Circle forums for our sister realm. All SoE folks welcome!))
The Royal Library Presents...
The Royal Library Presents...
Anapestic Antics: Limericks of the Wildhammer and Others
Celebrate that wittiest of ditties, the limerick, as The Royal Library cracks open The Wildhammer Book of Verse and shares some of its most outrageous selections!
Following a short discussion of the limerick form and readings from the Book of Verse, audience and Library members will be invited to share their own original creations. Bring a few of your own or make them up on the spot, and don't be afraid to let your ribald humor run wild. As an expert once said:
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
For beginners, remember: the traditional form is five lines in AABBA rhyme scheme and anapestic meter. In a "pure" limerick the first, second, and fifth lines contain three feet of three syllables each, and the third and fourth lines two feet of three syllables each, but as a folk form it tends to be flexible, and minor variations will be forgiven in the name of a good jest.
DATE: Thurs. 5 February
TIME: 6:00 PM [Cenarion Cicle Server/Pacific Time]
LOCATION: The Royal Library portico (SE corner of Farstriders' Square, Silvermoon City)
ATTIRE: Casual
BRING: One or more limericks to share, or an appetite for hearing them!