Malevolent was created on nov 26th 2004. Since launch we've been a small guild. On behalf of the other members we are now opening our doors for open recruitment for all classes 75 to 85. We will be working together lvling 80 to 85 and working on guild leveling. With the end result and goal being An all around supported guild for cata raiding heroics pvp and more.
Malevolent offers 5 bank tabs, guild website, vent, 10 avail ranks to progress through with perks for each rank, and close relations with other members and theyre services.
If interested please visit our website at or contact legundon, golalorn.
Thank you recruit
Malevolent offers 5 bank tabs, guild website, vent, 10 avail ranks to progress through with perks for each rank, and close relations with other members and theyre services.
If interested please visit our website at or contact legundon, golalorn.
Thank you recruit