[H; RP] Black Hand Society

A short letter has been distributied, posted around Orgrimmar, Silvermoon City, and the Undercity.

Friends, a meeting of the Black Hand Society will be at the upper floor of Fenris Keep on December the Thirtieth at Seven Bells. The Black Hand Society is a gathering for like minded people, those who are uninterested in the ethical binds and wish to discuss business, pleasure, whatever else may come up. Drinks and other pleasures will be provided on site.

-Celyn Severne, secretary to Thelinna Que'sheth
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90 Undead Priest
As he read the public letter in Undercity, the dead priest turned to a fellow Forsaken and remarked, "The Black Hand Society, now there's a group of thinkers that gives me hope for the Horde's future. At the last gathering there were jaded veterans, eager newcomers, antisocial misfits, philosophers, and even a paladin or two. The BHS is a hatchery for many schemes, of both small and global scale. Free-thinking Horde members would do well to attend, to learn news of the Horde you won't hear in the commons of Orgrimmar, and to make a few valuable contacts."
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97 Tauren Hunter
/bump for evil justice

((THIS IS TONIGHT PEEPS! Put on your best vile dungarees and smear on the black eyeliner! Let's take a trip on the Darkside tonight!))

Seeking handsome, tall, hairy and horned Shu'halo bull for long bloody hunts and candy filled nights...
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65 Goblin Mage
Wow. I must say.. aside from ONE person in Modas il Toralar (Father Maledictus).. the Goblins present were treated MOST disrespectfully by everyone else in your Snooty Club.

For a "Society" of "like minded" people, you sure proved one thing by YOUR behavior: You are all a bunch GOBOPHOBES!

I was tasked to attend this affair PRO BONO by my Bossman to distribute Food and Drinks on the house. As a matter of bridge building. What was a faced with?

Snotty comments, racial slurs, evil hand wringing.. and to top it all off.. two Blood%!!@s from Modas insisted that everyone get drinks from THEM. What, did you think I put poison in the catered food and drink?

Honestly, you all should take a serious look at yourselves. Did it make you feel all warm and fluffy inside to rip the Goblins present? Are your lives that pitiful that you have to pick on the 'new race' to the Horde?

How quickly you forget.. if it wasn't for US .. YOU wouldn't be able to make it from one continent to the next. We OWN the blimps and the ships.

Chew on that, Gobophobes.

I am so glad I wasted a week's worth of gold to cater to you jerks. Next time, I hope you do get poisoned!
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100 Undead Warlock
Ahh, the lady Goblin. I do so apologize. Out of the Goblins present, I believe you were the only one I'm aware of that was NOT associated with the blustering fool shouting at the top of his lungs.

I don't mind providers of a few nice refreshments, my displeasure came of that so-called "Trade Prince" and his overenthusiastic insistence on turning what was once a quiet, pleasant gathering for a peaceful exchange of ideas into a noisy, distracting commercial for that wretched "Kola" of his.

If I recall, you were simply there to quietly provide drinks, and not make a big fuss, for which you, as a Goblin, have my respect.
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65 Goblin Mage
Ey thanks for the kind words, sweet potahto! That brings a bit of shine to me. However, I am still miffed and irritated like a boil on your backside after 10 days of hard riding. Mostly the funk tossed my way was done by.. Blood Elves.

It was very interesting to be treated with such incredible discourtesy! I suppose those snot-nosed elves did not have a problem taking PROFITS from the goblins in Ratchet, Tanaris, Winterspring... Booty Bay? In fact, I'd wager a day's gold that they very MUCH enjoyed the gains the received. I am also .. positive they enjoy our ferry services from various locales. Don't even get me started on the technology we have graciously shared with the Horde since it's inception! *you see and smell a smear of what appears to be motor lubricant*

Yet, last night.. this meeting was advertised as: "The Black Hand Society is a gathering for like minded people, those who are uninterested in the ethical binds and wish to discuss business, pleasure, whatever else may come up." Where I come from, misrepresentation could get your keelhauled or worse! SHAME!!

It was almost as if we were the new whipping posts for the low class, highly disrespectful members of your fine guild and other 'height stimulated' people!! Well, I have news for you and them:

We aren't taking it anymore. We are not pebbles at your feet. We still run your auction houses and most of your banks. You would do wise to adjust the rueful posturing directly!

Perhaps you could pass along the message, eh? One of those snots spoke in a different language when I tried to speak to her, so I'm guessing she may be a bit touched in the head. If that is the case, let me know. I've heard that exploding sheep down one's throat can do wonders for concentration!

Edited by Möxïe on 12/31/2010 8:13 PM PST
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