Looking for a new place to call home!

100 Orc Warlock
Hi everyone!

I know this topic is probably brought up alot, but nevertheless, I am going to ask.
What is Sisters of Elune like for RP?
I know I could also take the time to level a newbie to 'test the waters' but I would like to ask anyway. I play both Horde and Alliance, and I would like to know what the RP community is like on both sides.

I currently RP on both Moon Guard (which I am rapidly losing interest in as the community is declining in quality by the day) and Wyrmrest Accord (where I have had trouble finding myself comfortable), and I am just trying to find a place where I might find semi-decent to exceptional RPers, and minimal trolls.
Though my online hours are a hindrance, I run on oceanic times so nearly everyone is asleep while I am looking for contact, how is the late night/early morning population?

Any feedback is appreciated!
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100 Draenei Hunter
Hi Catharsis,

It's been a very long time since quality or even the existence of role players were found on Sisters. I am not saying it does not exist at all but years ago there was a mass exodus from the server which left little to no role players on the server. Quite honestly, the server has been a ghost town until this whole merge happened. A majority of the solid role play community went to Wyrmrest on the Horde side. I was one of those people.

My best suggestion would be to create it yourself. There are those that would be interested but sadly I think a role play community on any server without trolls will be hard fought these days.

Best of luck,
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