Greetings and thank you for all the fish...

1 Undead Warlock
Hello old friends,

(It has been some long time since I had the time to post or play; new job and such.)

On this day before the fat man rolls through and yet again crushes my personal dream of ever getting an Azeroth destroying plague cannon, I would like to see those friends I have spoken with over the years from my favorite server ever.

Though ye old candy wagon has long been inactive, every now and then it creaks with longing for days long past.

So, with that I offer a word of thanks to all the folks I have met on this server over the years. Thank you SoE for the laughs, the drama, the friendship, and the vast fount of entertainment you have provided.

Merry Christmas Sisters, here is to the wish you survive my attempts at destroying the known realms until next year.

Revenus Archon, Most loyal Apothecary of the Banshee Queen.
Edited by Unclerev on 12/24/2010 5:35 AM PST
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85 Gnome Mage
12/24/2010 5:32 AMPosted by Unclerev
So, with that I offer a word of thanks to all the folks I have met on this server over the years. Thank you SoE for the laughs, the drama, the friendship, and the vast fount of entertainment you have provided.

Agreed, my undead friend.

It will indeed be a happy holiday in the Tappet household this year. It may be a little somber, but it will be very happy nonetheless. I am grateful to be able to sit here at my desk and type this.

Perhaps your plague cannon will arrive sometime next year. I would offer to build one for you, but Nozz is trying her damnedest to abstain from such activities as it would get her into all kinds of trouble that she would rather avoid. I would like to report that while the cockroach sent to her has long since passed, she still cares for its great-great-great-great-grandchildren. Occasionally the foul thing accompanies her on adventures.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!

Nozz and Caldarion
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70 Blood Elf Hunter

Much love <3
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