On the plus side, it's a great place to farm those annoying whiptails.
Alliance PvP Pledge
12/27/2010 5:03 PMPosted by GruxIt's not about the honor. Hell honor is going to be next to useless to anyone who's serious about PvP in the near future, seeing as the best rewards come from Conquest Points.
No it's about the extra daily quests and the shot at some easy T11. Not to mention it's just not fun going into something knowing your chances of winning depend on how bad your opponents are, not how good you are. The defenders for Tol Barad (on either side) only need to hold one base and turtle the @@*% out of it.
Well, alliance had it for a while, then we won it.
It's not balanced, but it's not boycott worthy. We went most of WOTLK with alliance nearly default winning based on having more people than horde in WG. It wasn't fun when we lost because alliance had more people, but we tried anyway.
Shoes on the other foot for now. Try it out for a bit and see how it feels.
*Holds up her foot* Its a little tight, Do you have any other colors besides red?
Well, I have been in Tol Barad quite a bit in the last week or more and finally, a few days ago, a was in an Alliance win! Not sure if the horde let us just so they could take it back and win honor, or if the Alliance actually played better...but either way, keep it up!
12/28/2010 2:05 AMPosted by KaradineWho knows, maybe we'll see people coordinating to swap it back and forth. Doubtful after WG getting locked down forever though.
Bah, Wintergrasp traded hands just about equal to the population balance. It may not have been convenient, but you guys did at least get it a fair amount... and for sure held it a lot after the 1-to-1 ratio.
If by some fluke Alliance side ever is in a position of owning one of these places 100% of the time, I'd be the first one to talk seriously about giving you guys access to the goodies by throwing a match here or there. We're an RP server, and generally a friendly one. I like fun battles, but its no fun to win if the other side has no chance and being punished further by not having access to the content.
I never would have guessed Karadine had a sense of humor. I know it seems impossible to win without being able to zerg with numbers, but the imbalance really isn't that hard to overcome with a little finesse. But hey maybe they throw in a hot fix for you like they did with WG...worked so well for us.
Yeah I think the mechanics of Tol Barad should have been flipped around. Make it way harder to defend and give the big honor bonus to defenders. That way it would have switched hands more naturally.
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