[H] Blacklist is Recruiting for Raids/RP/Etc!

85 Undead Priest
We are seeking individuals who need a guild to call home for casual Role-play, heroics, and raiding. This is a mature guild, so please don't look to join if you are a youngling. My hope is to form a close-knit guild of people that can work together and help each other learn and grow while we encounter Cataclysm raiding. We have experienced raiders along with experienced leadership, so if you are new to raiding or want a guild that will help you become a better raider, or just want a stable place to raid in, this is the guild for you. The only thing we require is that you come in with open ears and a willingness to learn and adapt.

We will begin raiding January 11th.

Raid Schedule

Tuesday: 5pm-8pm server time
Wednesday: 5pm-8pm
Thursday: 5pm-8pm

More dates will be listed as we gain more recruits

List of current needs:

    Open Recruitment for all classes and roles

For more information or to apply for membership, please visit us at http://blacklistcc.mmoguildsites.com/ (Or whisper Aurlan in-game)
Edited by Aurlan on 1/10/2011 9:41 PM PST
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85 Undead Priest
New Years bump!

Great response so far!
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85 Undead Priest
Bump for updated raid schedule and recruitment needs!
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Bump! Great guild that is still recruiting for raids!
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