Why does this irritate me so?

100 Blood Elf Priest
There you are in the cave below Therazane killing worms and collecting crystals when you get jumped by a respawn and another blood elf comes and swipes the item you were collecting while your fighting it off. You blow the crystal blocks only to have an orc and forsaken come take all the pieces so you have to blast it again after collecting one part. you run into spell range of something just to have a troll hunter snipe it from under you with an instant shot just as you finish casting. I have had this happen on alts at gather points as well and it irrtates me all out of measure.

Now on the oppisate side of the coin I have had the above happen to me by alliance players, and while it annoys me it doesn't bother me nearly as much as when another horde player does it. I am in direct compition to that gnome or human. It may be a friendly rivalry, but it is still a rivalry. I don't know. I expect more from my own faction, whichever alt I am on at the time. I share pick up quest items, leaving a few behind when I see other people about.

How about you? Does it irritate you more when you are "sniped" by your own faction more then when the opposeing faction does it?
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I know exactly how that feels. When you bust your ass to get to your quest item/gathering node only to have some dope derp on by and pick it for himself while you fend off 2+ mobs because of lolrespawns.

Its even worse when they bring more friends and you end up dying because you were overwhelmed...
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85 Night Elf Druid
I've come to realize that with every expansion common courtesy and manners have degraded ten fold.
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86 Human Paladin
Glad I have two crafting professions.
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51 Worgen Druid
happens with most things these days. I still refuse to do it, and if I see someone fighting a few mobs off to get a node, I'll stop and heal them up or help in some way then wait and see if they're after said node. Sure, very seldom it's done in return to me, but I figure karma will get those people sometime or other.
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97 Tauren Hunter
Yep, that is one..no.. the MOST irritating thing that happens when I'm out doing dailies.

It doesn't bother me as much when an Alliance player does it, I just /spit or /rude to them and then follow em and snatch their node when they are fighting. Then I'll /smile and continue on my way.

If a Hordie does it, I'll /whisper and chew them a new one. If they do it to me more than once, usually I'll find out who their guild is and if they are roleplayers or 'respected', I have no problem contacting an officer or their GM and voice my concern.

Things spawn so fast there is absolutely NO reason to snatch someone's node. It's pretty darn obvious if you are two feet from a node fighting a mob.. seriously.

Seeking handsome, tall, hairy and horned Shu'halo bull for long bloody hunts and candy filled nights...
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90 Draenei Hunter
Frankly, I don't care WHO it is. When I'm fighting on top of a node of ANYTHING, standing ON it while I fight, if you come along and nab it while I'm fighting, you're a... word I can't say on these forums cause it'd get censored anyway. That goes for same faction, opposite faction, or somewhere in between.

When I am flying around farming, the players and mobs around a node don't often load until the gathering cast has finished. The worst part is sometimes I have to hover for a second and the node will still load before any mobs around it. So I am sure anyone there is thinking, "They totally thought about it before stealing that from me!"

I always give a person the benefit of the doubt when this happens to me. So often do I see people swoop down and try to mine a node I am clearly already on. Either I haven't loaded for them or they are adding the node to Gatherer, as it would be more beneficial to move on otherwise.

Having a quest mob taken is frustrating, but players are slowly remembering that you can complete quests in a group. If you see someone of the same faction waiting for the same spawn as you, don't stress out and spam every instant cast you have. Just invite!
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85 Draenei Shaman
If I do it, on any of my characters, it's likely because I was distracted and didn't notice you. Sorry :)
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Snowfeather are you related to Kick? I try not to let it bother me if it happens once. Howver I have had people follow me just to see me pull off a defending mob to run in while I am occupied.
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97 Tauren Hunter
Only by guild. :) My main here used to be Chilali .. Creator's main cow thug.. but I moved this one over a while back and am fighting for good!
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It's the nature of MMO's

Technically it dosen't belong to anyone (i.e. a global item) so if you're dealing with someone without social manners or a sense of fairness, they'll just grab it and move along and leave you for dead... when you /w them, all they see is QQ and just try enrage you further.

I for one never do this ;D except for horde and minerals, that's a differnet story all together :O
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85 Dwarf Warrior
I'm sorry Nienn, I can't read what you said because your avatar of the tin man distracts me so much..

Anyway, I actually had a good experience yesterday on my Priest while flying around doing Herbalism out in Mount Hyjal.

I saw an herb and I went to it, happened to see a Horde Mage fighting next to it, but wasn't sure if they were questing or also wanting the herb, so I waited a sec, landed, finished off the thing they were fighting..but when I did that, they invis'd and came back out picking the herb and did a /sigh to me.

I had to relog to my Shaman to send a whisper their way apologizing for spooking them since I wasn't sure they were wanting the herb, but wanted to help them kill the thing on them and then see what they did. I went back to my Priest.

Then for like the next hour in game, since we were doing the same quests, the Mage would randomly show up and help me out with something I was killing, or I would help them out, and sometimes when I wouldn't see the Mage for awhile and was just doing my thing attacking some monster, out of nowhere an Arcane Barrage would come from off screen nail the thing, and she'd be sitting there.

I dunno, but it made me laugh a lot when it would happen, and had a really good time.

But as for bad times..I am getting a bit pissed off that there are Rogues on Horde and Alliance both, that are stealing through the mine area in Twilight Highlands, waiting for someone to aggro something next to a node just so they can sneak up, jack it, and then I hear the stealth sound as they run off again. Would be nice if tagging a mob near an herb or a deposit would also lock that node down to someone else messing with it.
Edited by Paranitis on 1/1/2011 11:37 PM PST
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100 Worgen Death Knight
People are occasionally really cool about things; I was out in the Obsidian Forest in Twilight Highlands, as it's a fairly decent and reliable spot to farm Cinderbloom (for some reason there just doesn't seem to be as much up on Hyjal as there used to be). I came across a Hordie who was there; I happened to aggro one of the dragonkin, and started fighting it. The Hordie /saluted me and flew off, and I knew he'd been picking herbs, as he had gotten to a couple before I did. I made a quick Horde alt and thanked him for his courtesy, and he responded, "You aggro'd the mob before I did, it was your node."

Sadly, there are also the people who think that because they have whatever advantage they can garner (perhaps they have 310% and someone else doesn't, or perhaps they're a Druid and can herb, then fly off immediately, or perhaps they're on the ground and they're a Paladin with both Pursuit of Justice and the Level 2 guild perk, whatever it might be), that it gives them the right to do things like wait til you aggro a mob, then ninja the node while you're fighting off the mob.

Personally, if I approach a node and someone is there fighting something, I'll usually hop up and down on the node a couple times, then /point at them (or just ask them if they're same faction), and they usually get what I'm asking. If they're there for the node, they'll /nod or something, if not, they'll /no If the latter, I'll /thank them then take the node.

Courtesy isn't hard to practice; nodes are infinite, if inconvenient at times. The resources aren't going anywhere.
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34 Goblin Warlock
It's real simple toots, LFD butthattery is a spreadin to the realms see? You gots folks thinkin that bad business is da only way ta DO business. An' that ain't right. You won't see no Payloaders pulling that kinda garbage, nope, we'll shank ya real proper like first, THEN take yer stuff. An' in yer fightin something nasty, we'll just stand aside, let ya do yer business, THEN clock ya one. Polite like. All honest see?

p.s. you got some nice "ears" on ya honey, why don'tcha come work for Payload? We gots special positions for elf babes.
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