There you are in the cave below Therazane killing worms and collecting crystals when you get jumped by a respawn and another blood elf comes and swipes the item you were collecting while your fighting it off. You blow the crystal blocks only to have an orc and forsaken come take all the pieces so you have to blast it again after collecting one part. you run into spell range of something just to have a troll hunter snipe it from under you with an instant shot just as you finish casting. I have had this happen on alts at gather points as well and it irrtates me all out of measure.
Now on the oppisate side of the coin I have had the above happen to me by alliance players, and while it annoys me it doesn't bother me nearly as much as when another horde player does it. I am in direct compition to that gnome or human. It may be a friendly rivalry, but it is still a rivalry. I don't know. I expect more from my own faction, whichever alt I am on at the time. I share pick up quest items, leaving a few behind when I see other people about.
How about you? Does it irritate you more when you are "sniped" by your own faction more then when the opposeing faction does it?
Now on the oppisate side of the coin I have had the above happen to me by alliance players, and while it annoys me it doesn't bother me nearly as much as when another horde player does it. I am in direct compition to that gnome or human. It may be a friendly rivalry, but it is still a rivalry. I don't know. I expect more from my own faction, whichever alt I am on at the time. I share pick up quest items, leaving a few behind when I see other people about.
How about you? Does it irritate you more when you are "sniped" by your own faction more then when the opposeing faction does it?