<Bads> needs Goods

85 Human Paladin
We are currently working on end game content with our 10 man group but we are seeking additional raiders to expand to a 25 man group. We are a very sociable guild that enjoys having a good time while we raid as well. Our raid leaders are very unique and try to make sure everyone has a good time while maintaining order and control within the raid at all times.

Our current needs are lax at this time, we are accepting applications for all positions.

We are looking for players who are in Item level 333 gear or higher, but exceptions can be made. Please be ready to put in the effort for heroics and raids. If you only log on for a raid and only contribute to the raid, then you aren't the type of player we are looking for.

For further information and to apply to the guild please visit our website at http://bads.guildlaunch.com/
For any further assistance with the application process or any specific information please feel free to contact Acenima, Acentric, Sherwin, or any of our other players.
Edited by Acenima on 1/1/2011 4:28 PM PST
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85 Human Paladin
Drunken midnight craziness bump
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85 Human Paladin
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85 Human Paladin
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85 Night Elf Priest
Fluffy... butt. Mmkay will do :3 And Ace, when the heck did your toon get so freakin hawt? Owait... is that part of the recruitment strategy?
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85 Human Paladin
Bump, and I'm just super sexy like that...free ERP for every new recruit from me.
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85 Human Paladin
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85 Human Paladin
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85 Human Paladin
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85 Human Warrior
Bump for Bads. Keep pushing that content!
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