Hello, Are there any female dominated guilds?

85 Goblin Mage
Hello all.

I am looking to relocate, and am wondering if there are any guilds which have many females who are at least somewhat stable-minded to play with. I would like to dwell with fellow females and work through content with about 50% less testosterone than I am currently experiencing.. Either faction is fine.

Thank you!

Edited by Djini on 12/30/2010 2:18 PM PST
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89 Blood Elf Paladin
I recommend <Cry of Luna>, which is run by women and cultivates an environment that is favorable to everyone, except total jerks.

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85 Goblin Mage
Thank you very kindly, sir! :)
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85 Blood Elf Priest
I wouldn't suggest moving your main to Stormreaver for <Gladiatrix> because we did just create; however we're setting the foundations for something really fantastic here.

If you, or anyone else takes some interest in this post get a hold of us. /who Gladiatrix or, alternatively if no one is online friendlist me and send me some mail C:

Formed 01/01/11. So if the idea of building that atmosphere you want to play in appeals, try us out and lets get this ball rolling!
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85 Goblin Mage
I will message you :) I have an 85 resto druid geared and healing heroics atm who is my main and is the toon I am looking to move. I really do want to make sure there are fellow females to play with because im swimming in a sea of testosterone and I would like the atmosphere better.
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85 Blood Elf Priest
Well if you try Cry of Luna I can promise you it is female dominated. I myself am a mother of two VERY young children. The guild is fun, laid back, understanding, and most importantly there when I have needed them. Its a very family friendly atmosphere for sure.
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90 Troll Druid
As Leigh and Xuth have pointed out, we have a large number of female members. I'd say over a dozen, many of them SOs of their male (or even female) partners. We try to balance raiding with a friendly, enjoyable atmosphere.

Outside of raids, it's a very nice environment, filled with quality people. We discourage anything too rude or inappropriate (ie people aren't going to be making derogatory comments left/right about you in guild chat). It's a good atmosphere, though we don't hate our boys either. They're just as special as the girls.

When it comes to raiding, we're all business. Chain pulls, priority for raids go to the most reliable/geared/skilled players, punctual, busy, very intense. It's a little bit less laid back, but we still won't yell at you ever. We're also don't use vent in our raiding. All direction and feedback comes in the form of (mostly) neutral text.

If you're looking for a female-friendly guild, we might just have you covered. Feel free to check out our recruitment thread here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1127128287

In any case, good luck wherever you end up. SoE has a number of excellent guilds that would provide exactly what you're looking for. ^^
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