Returning and curious.

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Was wondering if anyone still plays here on SoE? Now with the server not mattering much for pvp~ and a server merger done to help the economy of the server out I've found myself missing my old home.

Sadly I logged on today to get my heirlooms on and do a little questing and found no one in the age old Rp community channel rp Chatter. I did a /who of popular guilds that were around last time I was here to show no one. I have given it a little thought, and perhaps Alliance is more active than Horde, but most of my characters here are Horde so if you guys have any alts you're looking to rp I'm in the market for some story.

Also looking for a guild~ doesn't have to be rp, but having a few souls on to be social with every now and then could be cool.

Anyway! hope you guys have a great day!

Edit: For those of you wondering who I might be.






various other character names, but those were the names I was well known back in Wrath for playing with Alynore being more early Cata before I transferred to Mal'Ganis
Edited by Aerandir on 3/21/2015 3:35 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Warlock
I was around on SoE for TBC but left just before Wrath and did not come back until 5.4 MoP. However I am pretty sure a lot of the "old guard" left SoE during Cata (most going to Wyrmwrest Accord or quitting altogether). Thankfully the merge with Cenarion Circle has helped to stimulate the Horde RP community.

The new RP chat channel is titled "HordeOOC" and there are several weekly events. The one I regularly attend is the AAMS Lounge in Hardwrench Hideaway on Saturdays 7pm server time. Also check out the Cenarion Circle forum since many of us RPers will post threads there and sadly a lot of that information does not get posted in the SoE forum.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
03/22/2015 10:10 AMPosted by Mormel
I was around on SoE for TBC but left just before Wrath and did not come back until 5.4 MoP. However I am pretty sure a lot of the "old guard" left SoE during Cata (most going to Wyrmwrest Accord or quitting altogether). Thankfully the merge with Cenarion Circle has helped to stimulate the Horde RP community.

The new RP chat channel is titled "HordeOOC" and there are several weekly events. The one I regularly attend is the AAMS Lounge in Hardwrench Hideaway on Saturdays 7pm server time. Also check out the Cenarion Circle forum since many of us RPers will post threads there and sadly a lot of that information does not get posted in the SoE forum.

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100 Worgen Priest
03/21/2015 03:34 PMPosted by Aerandir
I have given it a little thought, and perhaps Alliance is more active than Horde

The community and approach to RP has definitely changed here. While I main on WrA these days, I come back to maintain the handful of SoE characters that I have left. Walk up RP doesn't exist anymore, at least Alliance side. From what I can gather skimming the CC forums, most of the RP is event/guild-based anyway? There are plenty of nice players here, as has always been the case, but in my experience the RP community has left a lot to be desired, so I stick to other servers for that.

Good luck to you!
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100 Goblin Warlock
03/23/2015 04:31 AMPosted by Vandrysse
The community and approach to RP has definitely changed here. While I main on WrA these days, I come back to maintain the handful of SoE characters that I have left. Walk up RP doesn't exist anymore, at least Alliance side. From what I can gather skimming the CC forums, most of the RP is event/guild-based anyway? There are plenty of nice players here, as has always been the case, but in my experience the RP community has left a lot to be desired, so I stick to other servers for that.

Good luck to you!

The Alliance community is larger but I still prefer the Horde community. The RP on CC/SoE is strongly event based although walk-up RP exists just... not in the same fashion as on WrA and MG. Basically people will arrange 'random' RP via the OOC chat channels. Guilds are also a lot less important since events are regularly attended by players from many different guilds.

Anyway, whether you like it here or not really depends on what type of RP community you are looking for. If you want RP 24/7 and 40+ players at events then you will be better off with one of the bigger servers.
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I was around on SoE for TBC but left just before Wrath and did not come back until 5.4 MoP. However I am pretty sure a lot of the "old guard" left SoE during Cata.

Moongaurd also took alot of the old guard from SoE during cata, the guild i was in, plus two other guilds i had friends in all moved off to MG alliance/horde at that time and i saw alot of old SoE names on MG during my stay there during MoP.

I think a few of us are slowly coming back, but its a drop in the bucket compared to MG/WrA's population if your looking for more rp/guild's (although i will say, SoE still has the nicest people!)

Also, Varran sounds so familler, i cant put my finger on why, but i think i used to know you.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
03/26/2015 02:39 PMPosted by Grummash
Also, Varran sounds so familler, i cant put my finger on why, but i think i used to know you.

I've found a few people to do some walk-ups with. I need to get to leveling, because there is a small community here despite rumors that this was a 'dead' server. its actually thrilling to be back on the server~ even if there aren't many familiar faces still around from back in the day.

I'd like to thank you guys for your replies and feedback.
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