[H] Looking for Guild...with a Twist

100 Blood Elf Mage
Guild Leaders from SoE:

I'm returning to the game after at least a 5 month hiatus. I'm looking for a friendly guild that can appreciate my services.

This is what I like:

A low-level guild with enthusiastic members who want to level the guild up pretty fast and establish a full-tab guild bank


A max-level guild with enthusiastic members who want to start racking up guild achievements and fill the tabs of their guild bank with quality items, specifically mats.

I don't have WoD as of yet, but that should be changing soon. For now, I'm enjoying my return by running low level raids and making gold--gold that I don't spend on myself very often. I would much rather help make your guild successful.

I must emphasize that my roll in your guild is in no way a move for power. I've had my own guild. I don't want my own guild. I want to be appreciated. I am willing to assist you and your guild members with leveling, raiding (as much as I am able), and achievement hunting.

Guilds that participate in some kind of RP are preferred. This character has a VERY extensive backstory, and I'd like to be able to let her storyline continue to grow.

Please whisper me if you are interested in making me a part of your guild family. I won't be checking this post. I'm anticipating trolls, and trolls scare me.
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100 Worgen Priest
Just an fyi, guild levels don't exist anymore, but there are still rewards and points that you can earn. Good luck in your search!
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