A-RP Event: Sermon of the Black Cathedral

100 Human Priest
In the guise of night, we sing the songs of the realm below us. After the sun had set, and the light had faded away from the sky, our words are whispered through the cold winds of the north. The darkness that shrouds over us all, shall be heard and sung without fear nor respite. The message of the shadows shall be heard. Those who are willing to listen shall seek out the speakers from the Cathedral of Black. There, the songs, the forgotten tales, the memories of champions, and the sermons await the willing.

Brothers, and sisters, friends of the shadows. Come, stay awhile, and listen.

OOC Info:
It's basically a sermon, meet and greet, and a place where characters interested in the shadows can commune with each other, in a sanctuary setting. There is no mandatory invitation letter to get into the event, but it would be nice if you could hit me up with an in-game mail and let me know that you want to come. I hope to see a bunch of people, because I plan to make it a series of chain events to establish a community of Shadow RPers or Shadow Centered RP for the server.

Location: Terrace of the Makers, Storm Peaks, Northrend (53, 42)

Time: Sunday, 7th June, 11PM Server Time.
Edited by Slanezh on 6/7/2015 4:18 AM PDT
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100 Human Warlock
I'm glad to hear that you decided to set aside a time to do this. :)
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100 Human Priest
Yea, It took me a lot of consideration to get a date down, but I managed to find a good time for me to set up the event.

I've also been meaning to do an event like this for a very long time.
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100 Human Warlock
If that is an CRZ, want to invite other servers to the event?
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100 Human Priest
04/12/2015 01:00 PMPosted by Sigrúnr
If that is an CRZ, want to invite other servers to the event?

Sure, the more the merrier, as long as it doesn't devolve into a troll-fest. Go on ahead, and invite some other servers as well! Just let me know, before hand.
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100 Human Priest
Subject of the Sermon:
The Nature of the Shadows and the Light. 17th April.
The Question of Existence, and the Eternal Conflict. 17th April

The Ideologies of the Black Cathedral, and the Words of the Fallen Prophet. 25th April
The Differences of All Shadows, and the Draenei Auchenai Priests. 25th April

The Moral Implications of the Shadows (We don't really have set morals) 9 May
The Differences of All Shadows: Part 2 9 May
The Reputation of the Shadows, 9 May

The Moral Implications of the Shadows PT2 May 23rd
Why do the People Fear Us? May 23rd

The Dead, the Fallen, and their Souls 4th & 7th June
The Afterlife in the Shadows 4th & 7th June

Elune, the Night Elven Deity 11th & 22nd June
Edited by Slanezh on 6/14/2015 6:02 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Warlock
Greetings from Cenarion Circle!

Through the amazing efforts of one within our community (Zaranae) attempting to bridge our CRZ-RP gap I have been made aware of this event. I am interested in trying to attend if you'll have me! :)

I say 'trying' because my rl schedule can be difficult, so there is a chance I'll miss it completely, but regardless I am marking it down and will plan on attending. If I can make it I'll be sure to shoot you a whisper before hand. :)
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100 Worgen Warlock
Oohh. I will try to make this. I feel like I have other RP that night, but I think it's earlier. Will check my calendar and send mail.
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100 Human Priest
04/15/2015 03:48 PMPosted by Ravenblack
Greetings from Cenarion Circle!

Through the amazing efforts of one within our community (Zaranae) attempting to bridge our CRZ-RP gap I have been made aware of this event. I am interested in trying to attend if you'll have me! :)

I say 'trying' because my rl schedule can be difficult, so there is a chance I'll miss it completely, but regardless I am marking it down and will plan on attending. If I can make it I'll be sure to shoot you a whisper before hand. :)

Haha, of course, real life comes first. But don't fear, if all turns out well in this event. I'll be hosting more to come at the same time, or around the time. I always like to host events late in the evening, near midnight server time.

Feel free to shoot me a whisper!
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100 Undead Priest
((Hello from the CC Horde. Will there be translators available? This sounds like something I and a few other Shadow Dwellers would like to attend - peacefully, of course, unless provoked.))
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100 Human Priest
04/16/2015 09:13 AMPosted by Clottia
((Hello from the CC Horde. Will there be translators available? This sounds like something I and a few other Shadow Dwellers would like to attend - peacefully, of course, unless provoked.))

Of course! I'll be more than happy to have the Horde there to come and listen. After all, it's for those of who are interested in the shadows, or use the shadows. Toss me a Btag invite, and I'll whisper you the speech, if you want to act as the translator.

Stephano, my character, will definitely ask for a volunteer to stand with him to act as a translator.

Also ICly, Stephano speaks the tongue of the Shadows. A language that is spoken and understood, by those who walk the Shadow Realm. But he'll definitely need a translator to help speed things along!

If you want to be translator, be sure to have the Unlimited Chat Message Addon. It's incredibly useful for sermon events like this.

Be sure to hit me up with an in-game mail, if possible. So, I know before hand.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
*a drunk, light slinging holy paladin comes in to crash the shadow party*

No, but really, I think this sounds like a cool idea. GL with it!
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96 Human Priest
Sent the letter out. Can't wait!
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100 Gnome Warlock
04/11/2015 01:10 PMPosted by Slanezh
10:30PM Server Time.

Aww. I'd go, but that's 1:30 AM for me. D:
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100 Human Warlock
04/16/2015 06:05 PMPosted by Shadowpint
04/11/2015 01:10 PMPosted by Slanezh
10:30PM Server Time.

Aww. I'd go, but that's 1:30 AM for me. D:

It's a friday night though...
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100 Gnome Warlock
04/16/2015 06:37 PMPosted by Sigrúnr
It's a friday night though...

I'm 14, though. I'm not going to be allowed to stay up that late.
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100 Human Priest
It is unfortunate, but it's around the only time I get to host my events, without conflict with other events.

However, I hope your toons will remember the words of the sermon, and spread the knowledge around for other people that couldn't make it!
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100 Human Warlock
:D It's tonight! *happy dance*
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100 Human Priest
Yes, and remember it is in the left side of the Master Cellar, the one with the hall, not the cave!
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100 Human Warlock
This is turning out to be really good.
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