Experience old content today!

Who are we?

We are a re-roll project hoping to evolve into a fun community of growing friendships and pixel killing.


Our goal is to enjoy structured PvE content at the appropriate level, starting at classic, level 60. At the same time we hope to maintain friendships we forge while experiencing the game together.

Essentially we will try our best to recreate the experience of World of Warcraft starting with vanilla content! The intent is to progress overtime as a guild by clearing raids the way they were meant to be.

Raid Schedule

This is currently undecided, but you should expect us to raid twice per week once we have enough 60's and enough tanks/healers to do so. After we are more established, we will have additional free-for-all raids some nights for those interested in attending (achievement runs, etc). We are looking for people who will be able to commit to almost 100% of our raids - however - if you can't commit, that's ok! We still encourage you to join us and have fun when you are able!

Loot and Gear

When the time arises, we will likely do "leadership distribution" - in other words, a loot council. We will play fair, and expect you to do the same. Everyone will be encouraged to speak up if something drops that they can use.

Gear off bosses will only be usable if the boss has been killed during a guild run. You may only PuG your own raid if you missed (or plan to miss) our lockout. Any gear acquired during PuG groups will not be permitted during guild runs unless the content has been cleared as a team.

Vanilla PVP gear is allowed as the honor system was intact throughout all of the availability of all the raids. However, (just as a warning) PVP gear IS strong and will make getting loot in a vanilla raid feel a lot less epic.

Leveling FAQ's

May I level using RaF/heirlooms?

Yes! Anything you chose to do gear/level wise outside of raid is acceptable, but please note that heirloom gear will NOT be permitted during raid times.

Can I glyph?

No. Major Glyphs will be permitted until WotLK content. You are welcome to use Minor Glyphs so long as they are purely aesthetic.

What about enchants?

No enchants past current expansion are permitted. If you are unsure about the enchant in question, please double check before using it.


Reforging will not be permitted until Cataclysm content, however, feel free to transmog to your hearts content!

I've got my professions sorted out. How far can I level them?

Only expansion specific profession caps will be permitted (300 during Vanilla, 375 during BC, etc).

What character classes, races are allowed?

- No Death Knights until Wrath of the Lich King content.

- No Monks until Mists of Pandaria content.

- Paladins and Shamans will both be allowed for classic content as it would be a waste to throw out the gear that drops in classic raids.

- No character over current progression level of the guild is permitted to be a member.

- All Race/Class combinations are allowed as long as the class is appropriate to the content being raided. This means that Blood Elf, Pandaren and Goblin races will be permitted.

The bottom line...

We understand it is impossible to duplicate the raiding experience from how it was at current content, but we will try to get as close and we can! We think it will be really fun despite the game updates.

If you have any other questions, or are interested, please contact us! @ GrumpyMurloc#1198

Thank you for considering!
Edited by Necca on 5/5/2015 4:26 PM PDT