Very, very casual Player looking for guild.

100 Gnome Warrior
Hello, I've been a WoW player since 2004 off and on each expansion. So much has changed and there seems to be a huge problem with accessibility coming back this expansion. I just want to run dungeons, screw around for gear, and take my time with easy mode raid finder (and only because I'd like to pursue the legendary quest line - I've never cared to pursue one before).

I played early in the expansion and have a tier 3 garrison, maxed engineering and alchemy, and while I enjoyed building a base much of the game has become tedious and artificially time consuming. I feel as though my professions were much better in previous expansions with toys and perk items exclusive to me for leveling them.

In any case, I'm trying out being an arms warrior. I no longer care about the hardcore scene, while in the past it was my bread and butter. I just want drop in drop out fun with a solid group of folks willing to hold my hand through content so I can get my bearings and gear up.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Hay Swindle come check us out. WOULD CRIT THAT.
visit our Facebook page=
or website =

if you want to join just leave a post on FB saying day/ time / toon name that will be on and we will be happy to add you :)
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