Elitist Dirtbags

100 Human Priest
What the heck is wrong with some of you?

Every turwinkle post on our forums, along with many positive posts concerning the server community immediately get down-voted by at last half a dozen dirtbags who seem to only come here to troll.

There is a simple and resounding problem within our community, elitist attitudes pertaining to players, roleplay and all around behavior. The truly sickening thing is that this community used to detest these attitudes and behaviors, many still do and have either gone inactive, left our community or simply accepted that its inevitable. If you stand by and just watch as new players on our server are shunned for not understanding how things work in roleplay or in the community then congratulations, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

Want to know why our population has dwindled, why so many good guilds and outstanding players have jumped ship or left the game? For many its the bullcrap of having crap talked to them for trying to be outgoing. Ignoring or treating players badly simply based on their inexperience or that you don't like them personally is a crappy way to exist and it sets a destructive precedent. The more players that are driven away the smaller and more polluted the minds of many become, people start blaming the game or the server for the problems instead of looking in the mirror

I applaud individuals like turwinkle who stay positive no matter the amount of warrant less criticism thrown his way. There are some here who still have the gut passion and determination to reverse this trend, and to any who would do good by this community you have the full and unwavering support of myself, DV and any resources I have access to. For those who have the intestinal fortitude to fight for what this community was and can be again, keep pushing forward, you are not alone in this fight.

Its time for a gut check, if you are not actively encouraging and helping new and old players alike, supporting current and new events or are closed minded to new ideas, its time to look in the mirror and do some soul searching.
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100 Human Priest
I challenge anyone who would either choose to fight against me and my views or to fight alongside, the server has many, many resources available that are underused. Frankly I don't give a crap if you like me or not, my goal is to stir things up from the stalled mess its in, you have my support whether you like me or not, want it or not. Among these are the ccsoe.org website created by Generva and the community ventrilo hosted by dv.

Generva has done an insanely great job piecing ccsoe.org together as a quick link resource page to all manner of useful information as well as pulling together a roster of currently active guilds.

The community Ventrilo is intended to be used as an extension to the Aooc / Hooc global channels to allow for easy communication cross faction and cross guild. Any guild, new or old, who requests can have a privately passworded section for their guild built here.


ccsoe.typefrag.com port 8095
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93 Night Elf Druid
It always seems like the same handful of people will speak up any time that server RP is criticized, no matter how well intentioned those criticisms may be. I used to be a SoE native and moved off a few years ago, but I do come back and play on an irregular basis. I was hoping that the server merge would do something to encourage more RP, but it's always the same empty streets and buildings when I log on here.

Quite frankly, the attitude I see in response to your thread - and the overall prevailing attitude in general - on the CC forums scares me away from wanting to get involved. I kinda feel bad for people who feel threatened by Turwinkle's threads, or any other kind of thread that supports the community at large. SoE used to have a really bad time with server-phobic players who would try their best to harass anyone who tried to include us in their RP (for god's sake, don't ever mention WrA around here). How sad is that?

I don't know what the answer is. So many people want to complain about how Blizzard destroyed the sense of community here, and yet so many are resistant to helping build community when it originates from the playerbase.
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