Fancy Feast Needs Raiders

85 Dwarf Warrior
Here's the problem: I turned my alt guild into a raiding guild prior to Cataclysm going live. Since then I've been able to invite some casuals, and that's about it. I've had casuals leave the guild saying we aren't social enough (since there aren't many of us in the guild to begin with), we've had casuals say that I am too hardcore with pushing people to gear up for raiding (even though I only say the raiders need to do heroics to gear up before we start raiding, and casuals don't have to follow any of that stuff at all), and then we had one Mage who seemed to want to be a raider just randomly transfer servers a couple days ago or delete his account, or something without anyone being aware of it.

So when I started my raiding roster was this:

Tank: Death Knight
Tank: Feral Druid
Melee: Fury Warrior
Melee: OPEN
Range: OPEN
Range: OPEN
Range: OPEN
Range/Healer: OPEN
Healer: Resto Druid
Healer: OPEN

With the people joining and leaving, now we are at:

Tank: Death Knight
Tank: Feral Druid
Melee: Fury Warrior
Melee: OPEN
Range: OPEN
Range: OPEN
Range: OPEN
Range/Healer: OPEN
Healer: Resto Druid
Healer: OPEN

As you can see, in a couple or few weeks time, there has literally been zero change to the raiding roster.

Our raiding times are Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday from 6:00pm-10:00pm server time, starting on January 5th. I waited this long so people can get geared up enough so we can start raiding, but we don't have the people to do any raids.

Our loot rules are very simple as well..Main Spec > Off Spec. That's pretty much it. No DKP, no Loot Council, nothing like that. If you win loot, you win loot. My focus is on killing bosses, not farming gear.

When I send out my "spam", the only responses I get are from other Warriors, and I just can't have a guild full of Warriors. I already have like 3 or 4 Warriors in guild, and luckily the ones other than me are casuals and aren't looking to raid. We also are basically full on Druids.
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85 Draenei Paladin
I'll be totally honest so you don't get disheartened, it takes quite a bit of time for a guild to stabilize its roster and actually begin raiding if the guild is brand new. This is not to advise you to give up, or go find another guild, its just to give you a realistic perspective on when raiding might actually happen.

Especially post-xpac going live, with people jumping into guilds for perks, buffs, and an easy time in heroics, finding unguilded folk willing to stick around for the long haul it takes to create a core group of members and raiders will be pretty tough. Finding folk willing to jump guilds will be impossible for a new guild since all the non-casuals want guaranteed raid spots and boss kills, and heroic groups, and casuals want, as you said, lots of socializing which new guilds haven't established yet.

Again, I'm not trying to discourage you or tell you to give up. It's totally admirable that you are sticking through this and working hard for it to happen. Just saying to be patient and keep trying if you really want to see results because you're gonna have a revolving door until things settle. So don't be surprised at ... the revolving guild door.

Best of luck to you, I really hope you get the raid team you want going soon.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
That's kind of my problem. I've been invited to a lot of guilds, but kinda sticking around with this one because I wanted to make a solid place to raid for my friends, who've also had difficulty getting into raids that actually kill bosses. And another of my problems is the people I would rather have are people who are already in the bigger guilds, and I don't even pretend to believe I can pull people out of their guilds. So I just kind of feel stuck.

The reality is probably I will end up having to pug people, or even join along with other raid groups to do bosses and whatnot until I can get people of my own. I am just not sure if any raid groups would take a non-guilded Warrior as a tank or dps.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Very occasionally, you may find suitable members while pugging people who might want to join you for your long haul. Best of luck.
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Well, on another kind of funny side..this coming semester I am taking..wait for it..."Introduction to Public Speaking"..mostly because I never have any idea how to talk to people without offending them in some way. :P So maybe I will convince people to join me after I go through that class. XD
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