Ghostfang Brotherhood (Horde) is Recruiting!

As we settle into the new Cataclysm expansion, the Ghostfang ( are looking for raiders who are capable players of TANK and HEALER roles, who not only know how to play their class at a high level, but can do so in a mature and friendly manner. While we do not normally recruit in this manner, we are starting to flesh out and solidify our raiding groups and these are the roles which are needed most.

The Ghostfang Brotherhood (GfB) is a large, well-established and adults-only Horde guild that moved here when the SoE server was created, and we can boast of every stripe of player amongst our ranks: Raiders, PvPers, RPers, as well as a few people who are too goofy to categorize so simply. GfB's culture is themed first around quality membership and friendships, both old and new, from which springs all our other functions, including raiding.

If you are interested, /join the GFBLFG channel in game and come visit -- group with us, read up on us, and if you like what you see, register and apply.

Thank you for your time!

PS, to re-iterate: we are calling most especially for raid-quality TANKS and HEALERS, but if you are not one of those roles and are interested anyway, remember our recruitment is not strictly tied to raiding and other applicants will be considered.
Edited by Grimgor on 1/3/2011 4:54 PM PST
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90 Troll Druid
GFB are awesome, quality people. I'm (personally) a bit to bossy to be led by anyone else, but if you're looking for quality groups, these guys are it. They're very patient, respectful, warm and friendly. Their progress is steady. They show up and run their groups and at the end people tend to be in a good mood.

A large number of their oldest, core members are just awesome people. Run with them!

And good luck to the guild as you guys hit the new content. ^^
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01/02/2011 2:37 PMPosted by Faeylin
GFB are awesome, quality people. I'm (personally) a bit to bossy to be led by anyone else, but if you're looking for quality groups, these guys are it. They're very patient, respectful, warm and friendly. Their progress is steady. They show up and run their groups and at the end people tend to be in a good mood.

A large number of their oldest, core members are just awesome people. Run with them!

And good luck to the guild as you guys hit the new content. ^^

Thank you Faeylin for your comments - Been very impressed with everything you and yours have accomplished and right back at you - Happy raiding!
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01/02/2011 2:37 PMPosted by Faeylin
A large number of their oldest, core members are just awesome people. Run with them!

I think she just called Gelmarkk old.
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90 Troll Druid
01/03/2011 4:56 PMPosted by Grimgor
I think she just called Gelmarkk old.

Uh-oh. Don't get me in trouble Grimgor! However...

I do remember this one time I made the old orc angry. And he was all like, "Get off my lawn." I flew from Dal to Borean Tundra, and sent him a whisper.

He told me to keep going! -.-

Don't let me derail your thread. You guys take care!
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HAH! Long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
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10 Orc Shaman
Remember that night we were raiding Serpenthshrine Cavern i think and there was this priest that was so drunk, she kept singing on vent and people were like mute her, and then there was all this drama, and she left and transferred servers... and changed her name...

nah me either, but this is a great guild!

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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Bumping for brother(sister?)hood.
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85 Orc Warlock
GFB are good people. Drama free, fun.

*I'm a former member, and I support this thread.*
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100 Undead Warlock
I <3 GFB.
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
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I am a Fang, so my opinion is biased.

The Ghostfang was the first guild on the Sisters of Elune server. Before that we existed under the same name since little after the game launched on Argent Dawn.

Many of us have been in the guild from the start, moved servers, been to Vegas and Orlando together, met face to face in places like Dallas and Boston.

We are a old family, always looking to add more to our bunch.
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