<Homeland> is one of Cenarion Circle's best-known (although not necessarily longest-lived) roleplaying guilds. We're a loosely-run "family" of members of the Horde who come from a wide range of backgrounds who felt the need for some camaraderie. Homeland is a place to stay for any member of the Horde who wishes the company.

Our population is drawn from all of the Horde races and freely intermingled. We're a casual "family" organization and a general lack of fixed authority, although we do have a rank structure for the rare times when it's necessary to use it. We're first and foremost a roleplaying guild, although we do love a good guild dungeon or raid run and group questing when they're to be had! (Especially with the new guild achievement system and guild levels/reputation). But we never ask more of anyone than they're willing to put in -- although we love to see active roleplaying in our guild chat and at events as well.

Although we love a good guild run at anything, we're also casual players with real-world commitments, so it's perfectly okay to quest, instance and raid outside of the guild when the mood strikes! We're also mature adults with open minds regarding roleplaying and an ability to separate in-character and out-of-character words and feelings.

We're not a competitive, progress-driven PvE or PvP guild. We like instances and battlegrounds well enough, but look somewhere else for the scheduled, three-times-a-week raiding feel. (And it's certainly okay to run with another guild to get that and still stay in Homeland, if the mood strikes you!).

We aren't, however, a home for catgirls, vampires, half-dragons, or other characters drastically outside of the basic character creation options. There is a great wealth of possibilities in the choices offered, and we encourage everyone to explore it. We're also not rich (although guild perks help!), powerful, or even terribly structured. We're a welcoming home and a comfortable space. Nor do we like out-of-character drama. We love to shout in-character, but we expect people to be open and honest in dealing with the other players behind the screen.

Our website is at http://www.homelandguild.org, forums at http://forums.homelandguild.org and we have a Twitter feed at @homelandguild.

We are also the sponsors of the Welcome Walk, open to all, which is held at 6:30pm server time each Wednesday, barring unforeseen emergencies or one-time events (from us or others) that take priority. We walk from a Horde capital city to a starting area, offering fun roleplay and free-of-charge items to help the newest members of the Horde on their way!

Keep an eye out for updates about each week's Walk and the guild in general at https://twitter.com/homelandguild (updated frequently).

Interested in joining us? Talk to the Greatmother (Poni - that's me!) or one of our Elders (Alisitcia, Carnar, Sabilnar, or Tonkseh). We'll meet with you in-game and do a little bit of roleplaying to get to know you, and a little bit of OOC Q&A as well (what do you want from a guild, what would you give back, etc). We want to know if we're a good fit for you and if you're a good fit for us.

Hopefully we'll see you soon!