The AAMS Wants You! [RP Guild; H&A Branches]

88 Gnome Death Knight
The AAMS Wants You!

Go new places -- See new people -- All without killing anybody!

The Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service (AAMS) is hiring, and that means it's your chance once again to embark on the adventure of a lifetime! With competitive wages, unmatched benefits, the very snappiest of uniforms and offices in both the Horde and the Alliance, there's never been a better time to start a career with the AAMS.

What is the AAMS?

The Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service is a neutral courier company. We carry freight and messages between the Horde and Alliance, offer translators for social and diplomatic functions, and occasionally serve as third-party mediators or heralds in armed conflicts.

The AAMS operates legally within the Horde and the Alliance. Our couriers are recognized neutrals who promote peaceful trade and exchange between citizens of all the worlds -- anytime and anywhere!

Why Join the AAMS?

The history of the AAMS is a long and noble one. The registered offices <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> have served Azeroth for over half a decade, retaining a reputation for reliability and discretion that allows us to offer unique benefits to our staff:

    - Trusted Neutrality. AAMS couriers are traditionally safe from attack by either faction. Couriers from the Horde Branch are typically afforded "safe passage" when in Alliance lands, and the same is true for Alliance Branch couriers in Horde lands.

    - Flexible Schedule. AAMS staffers work cooperatively, with each job available to all employees. Couriers choose as much or as little work as they please -- there is no minimum or maximum participation!

    - Immediate Wages. Jobs are paid by the sender up front, and typically tipped by the recipient as well. The cash goes straight into your pocket! Team jobs are split, and large projects like event translation are paid up front by the Corporate Office.

    - Snappy Uniforms. White, gold, and always sparkling -- with shiny boots!

    - Adventure! The AAMS goes everywhere, and you'll go with them. From the capitols of Azeroth to the ruined Outland and even the depths of the earth and sea, your time with the AAMS will be one grand venture after another.

Joining the AAMS

The AAMS is currently offering interviews to interested parties of both factions. Interviews are short and informal, focusing on candidates' background and experience, goals and desires, and suitability to a confidential, cross-faction workplace. To request an interview contact:

<AAMS Alliance Branch>


<AAMS> (Horde Branch)



((To clarify OOC -- there are two guilds active here, one on the Horde and one on the Alliance. They function as a single entity, share a single website, and work together to promote all sorts of cross-faction roleplaying. The official guild names, as indicated, are <AAMS> on the Horde and <AAMS Alliance Branch> on the Alliance. You can find us online at:

The Horde branch is currently larger, so we're recruiting especially heavily for the Alliance Branch, but both guilds are small and RP-focused. If you have any questions, let us know here, or drop by our website or find one of us in the game! We'll see you there.))
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100 Undead Warrior
Join the AAMSss or Die, yesss! They ssstill have an agreement of no Abominusss Molessstation during busssinessssss deliveriesss, yesss.
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34 Goblin Warlock
Huh, ovah half a decade huh? Been in da biz foevah huh? Fahhhhgeddabouddit! Riiipe fer da pickins I says! Gotta tell da boss bout this, seems we gots us competition, an' we didn't even knows about it! Some kinda market research depahtment we gots.

Still, ain't no biz uz ever hurt by a little "friendly rivalry"...ifyaknowwhatImean. AAMS, youse better watch ya backs.
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52 Goblin Warlock
Oooh, I just gets all squiggly inside when people wants me! And youse guys is looking very nice, very nice indeed. But there's Payload, Inc. too, and, well, a goblin really oughta stay loyal, ya know? Ha! My little joke there. Still, it's just too hard for a gal to make her mind up...did someone mention a signing bonus? I sure thought someone mentioned a signing bonus. You keep me in touch, okay, sugar...?
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90 Blood Elf Priest
The AAMS is always willing to negotiate signing bonuses and benefits packages based on prior experience, particularly in cross-faction interactions of any (non-military) kind. Our pay rates and benefits have always been competitive with all companies in related fields, and will always remain so.

The AAMS remains pleased to have the patronage of the Maggot Lord Abominus, and assures continued excellence in Livestock and Biological Contaminant transportation. Just ask for "one with holes in it" and we take care of the rest!
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Loxxi my dear, you just can't go wrong with the AAMS.

Sure, some new kid on the block might be making claims that they can move more goods than we can, but how long do you think that will last? Its a fact that the AAMS has been serving the needs of the Alliance AND Horde for half a decade now and are no stranger to competition gunning for us. That's what happens when you're number one!

The AAMS didn't get to be number one, and hasn't stayed number one, all these years without learning a thing or two about business operations. Things not taught in Business School or Economics 101.

This Payload Inc., might be flashing a lot of cash around town and talking up a storm, but so have all the others. "What others?" you ask? The ones that tried to go head to head with the AAMS over the years and are now no longer in business. Its as simple as that, Loxxi my dear. Its as simple as that...
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100 Undead Warrior
Yesss, a jar without holesss made usss burn down Elwynn foressst once, Goldssshire twice, Wessstfall once, and find elvesss naked in a basssement in the now dessstroyed Ssstormwind Nature Park bar, yesss. Oh, we had help, too, yesss. 60 of our clesssessst friendsss, yesss.
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I am proud to announce that the AAMS: Alliance Branch has taken in a new batch of recruits who will shortly, after passing through the extensive AAMS training program, will be available, and eager, to make your deliveries!

I encourage anyone wishing to use the AAMS services, both Horde and Alliance, to contact your local AAMS branch office or flag down any of our AAMS couriers for more information!

The Lunar Festival and Love is in the Air are just around the corner, so everyone may want to get their packages and deliveries organized before the holiday rush!
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90 Human Death Knight
I happily lend my support to this company and its commendable goal of cross-faction cooperation. For anyone looking for a place to belong and a group of like-minded, supportive associates, I highly recommend you schedule a meeting with one of the recruitment managers post-haste.
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I am happy to report that the new batch of recruits taken in last month faithfully completed their training and are now servicing some of our busiest delivery routes, allowing the AAMS to increase its services to the citizens of Azeroth.

Love is in the Air and the Lunar Festival has kept both the AAMS and AAMS Alliance Branch busy, but things are slowly starting to return to normal. Ms. Aeldgyth's office has a new coat of paint after an unfortunate incident involving 100 Exploding Sheep, but the situation was easily sorted out.

Now that both the Horde and Alliance offices are returning to normal operations, we are once again advertising for new couriers. Anyone who is interested should not hesitate to contact their local AAMS representative, be you Horde or Alliance.

As always, the Anytime & Anywhere Messenger Service is happy to look after all your delivery, translation, item seeking needs; including requests and deliveries going cross faction. Feel free to inquire for more details on our services!
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Aye! Tha AAMS be a good choice fer McFlinty Textiles Inc. We be a use'n them fer all sorts of things:
- Deliver'n orders to me clients.
- Send'n out me thank ye cards.
- Take'n in orders fer new clients.
- Help'n to secure new stock. All aye do is tell them wha' aye be a need'n, and they be a gett'n it fer me.
- Cross faction transfers! That there wool cloth tha ladies in Stormwind be a lov'n so much be a fraction o' the price on the horde markets. All aye need ta do is let tha AAMS know how much aye be a need'n and how much aye be a will'n ta pay, and they go and get it fer me. Handle'n all the customs paperwork in Booty Bay they do. Aye probably end up kill'n me some goblins if aye had ta be do'n tha paperwork me-self.

Aye kno' they be a offering translat'n and negotiat'n services from Common to Orcish as well, though aye have yet ta be need'n them fer that. Las' time aye be a meet'n an Orc me sword did all the translify'n an' negotiat'n aye be a need'n!!

So, if ye need ta be send'n a letter or package Anywhere, Anytime, ol' McFlinty suggests using the AAMS. Be it wool cloth from tha Horde Markets, or jus' send'n flowers to the fine lassy ye be meet'n at the tavern las' night, the AAMS be a happy to get yer job done for ye.
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9 Orc Rogue
Dakera need new job. Dakera smart Orc. Smarter than others at Copper Mine. Dakera count rocks and boulders. Save big boss many gold. Big boss make Dakera little boss. Dakera keep peons in line. Big boss happy. Dakera Happy.

But big boss tell Dakera she need new job. Goblin take Dakera's job. Goblin work faster. Goblin work cheaper. Goblin make big boss more gold. Goblin now little boss. Dakera don't like little boss Goblin. Dakera want Goblin to go home. Go now little Goblin! GO!

Dakera need new job.

AAMS has heavy boxes? Heavy boxes that Dakera can count? AAMS make Dakera little boss? Dakera help make big AAMS boss bigger gold! Big AAMS boss be happy with Dakera. Dakera is smart Orc.

<Despite her primitive speech, you can tell from Dakera's eyes that she is well above normal intelligence, loyal and eager to learn.>
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10 Undead Rogue
Ms. Dakera, I have spoken with Sir Sulfon since your meeting with him the other day. At his instruction, I have gathered the paperwork for you to fill out. Anytime you are in Orgrimmar please stop by the AAMS Horde Office and pick them up.

We could certainly use a few more couriers working out of both offices. The prospect of outright war in The Barrens has seen a flurried increase in cross faction correspondence of late. Translation service requests have escalated to an all time high as well.

Additionally, both the Horde and Alliance offices are in the process of securing a number of corporate contracts which will require additional couriers to facilitate.

So, if anyone out there is looking for work that doesn't require bashing in something's skull, contact your local AAMS representative to schedule an interview!
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