[A] <DisturbedOnes> Recruiting 10-Man Raiding

85 Human Warrior
Progression: BWD 3/6 | BoT 1/4 | To4W 1/2

DisturbedOnes is recruiting for 10-man Raiding. Our goal is to have a solid, progression based group able to tackle the toughest of content this expansion. Dedication and commitment, as well as a positive, drama-free attitude is necessary, as is being very skilled and knowledgeable about your class and role. Though we have several groups forming, this group in particular will be raiding:

NEEDS (Updated 02/08/2011):
1 Priest or Shaman Healer, Potentially 1 DPS

Friday 6pm-9pm server
Saturday 8am-12pm server
Monday 6pm-8pm server

From what we've seen so far for DPS, it looks like the absolute minimum requirement would be 10k boss dps.

To be considered for a permanent spot (we always welcome backup raiders), you must be able to make all the times listed. Vent is required, as is guild membership.

Please reply to this post, or message Boman in game to discuss further.

Thank you, and good luck in Cataclysm!

Edited by Boman on 2/8/2011 6:55 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
hay Boman hows it going bro low time no see if u pay for my pally to go back to alli i join =D
"high 5"
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85 Human Warrior
Heya long time no see! Glad to see you're still playing.
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85 Human Mage
I'm seeking a regular raid. Have an ilvl of 351 atm. My raid set is hit capped with
ilvl 346 or better. Only done BH to this point but have watched the other raid encounters. I'll try to remember to log out in raid gear.
Edited by Cibele on 1/17/2011 6:14 PM PST
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85 Human Warrior
Hi Cibele,

Not sure if you saw my reply in-game or not the other day, but I noticed in another forum post that you were looking to stay in your current guild. We do require guild membership for permanent spots, though we always welcome fillers when we're short people.

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85 Human Warrior
Updated Post - we're still looking for a solid healer to add to our team.
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