Crotchety warrior looking for 3s

85 Orc Warrior
Been around here since forever, currently have 2133 resilience, my vicious weapon, and too much time on my hands. I'm willing to try any comp, but would prefer something with a warlock or death knight as my other DPS. Either message me in game or post here.

Also looking for a resto druid/shaman to run 5s with. (Comp Holy Pally, Frost Mage, Arms, DK)
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85 Orc Warrior
Found a paladin, now all we need is another DPS. Prefer a Death Knight, but warlock would also work as mentioned.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
You can try Mage War Hpal, Ele War Hpal, War War Hpal, War Feral Hpal, Enh War Hpal...

(More options for you that have worked well in the past other than TSG and WLD variations. <3)
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85 Orc Warrior
Can't find anyone D:
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

It's hard on SoE, I know.

Sorry toots, but mayhaps someone will come around! (Or I need to level more alts again. D: )
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52 Blood Elf Paladin
Or I need to level more alts again. D: )

This ---^
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