Starting next Tuesday unless the world explodes and zombies invade.
Open spots are :
Healers - Druid, Paladin(! - good one plz, i suck)
RDPS: Warlock, Spriest, Boomkin(!), Hunter, Shaman
MDPS: Rogue, Feral Cat
These are not necessarily all the spots that need filling, but the ones that would have high priority if you were to waddle under our roof looking for a raid.
! - all fields marked with an ! are high priority and will be given an insta-raid spot unless you do like 2k dps or 300 hps. 2.5k and 350 dps/hps are acceptable.
Open spots are :
Healers - Druid, Paladin(! - good one plz, i suck)
RDPS: Warlock, Spriest, Boomkin(!), Hunter, Shaman
MDPS: Rogue, Feral Cat
These are not necessarily all the spots that need filling, but the ones that would have high priority if you were to waddle under our roof looking for a raid.
! - all fields marked with an ! are high priority and will be given an insta-raid spot unless you do like 2k dps or 300 hps. 2.5k and 350 dps/hps are acceptable.