[H] <The Darkfury Coalition> RP guild

100 Blood Elf Warrior
“Welcome dear friends and allies. Today marks an honored day in which Houses will grow, friendships will strengthen and The Darkfury Coalition will prosper. As separate identities we each have our own histories, triumphs, fallbacks and traditions. Together we stand as one, combining the strengths and power of the six but never forgetting our roots. We banded together to find strength and prosperity of our ancestral names, to seek survival and preserve who we are. Together as The Darkfury Coalition we remember, we triumph, we prevail.”

The Darkfury Coalition is a newly formed, multi-faction, med-heavy RP guild. We are currently looking to fill all ranks- leadership and general rank roles. We will be hosting multiple events weekly and are looking forward to see storylines deepen and strengthen. We are seeking active members who really want to develop their character.

Our goal is to become a community within the SoE community. We promote quality RP, deeping character storylines and RP within the realm. We have a place for all races, classes and levels. We encourage those who are new to RP to join, we passionate about teaching and helping those who are new to the RP side of World of Warcraft.

We are seeking those who share the same beliefs and vision we do to help build our guild and build the RP community. We are open minded to new ideas and suggestions and are excited to hear how you want to grow as a group. Leadership positions are open to those interested- see Zaelyra in game.

For more information please visit, www.darkfurycoalition.weebly.com or contact Zaelyra in-game.
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100 Blood Elf Warrior
First Fealty Ceremony scheduled! Saturday, June 27th at 7:00pm server, SMC. Contact us for more info!
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