Fledgling holy paladin needs a home!

83 Blood Elf Paladin
Hey all, I've recently returned to warcraft (I know, was late getting the expansion). After being sorely disappointed with the changes to retribution, I decided to do a complete turn around and decided to level this character as holy and learn the ins and outs of being a healer. having played dps classes almost exclusively in my time here it is still very much a learning experience. Anyway to get to the point, I've been looking for a group or perhaps a guild who happen to run the regular cata instances and don't mind a fledgling healer tagging along as they learn the ropes. I generally can't stand the lfd tool, which is one of the reasons I quit wrath, the rush rush attitude and rage quitting when someone doesn't get their way really turned me off.

Anyway, as I said above, am seeking a regular team to run with or a nice guild to join that doesn't take itself too seriously (rp preferred) thanks a bunch
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85 Orc Warrior
Hey, message Xandrys, Vallatio, or myself in game, we're just gearing up atm, but we're going to be raiding :D and will be more than happy to give you a hand with leveling too!
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83 Blood Elf Paladin
will do thanks for the reply, don't mind running with a group still learning the instances like myself.
Edited by Vyrande on 1/9/2011 8:49 PM PST
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90 Troll Druid
You're welcome to check out Cry of Luna as well. Our main raid group runs a bit later, but we have quite a few people on and interested in doing heroics earlier in the day, and we have raid groups #2 and #3 in the works. If you're moving kind of slow, we have plenty of alts that you can run with as well. Good luck wherever you end up! ^^
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