(H-RP) Dr Grindell's Cures and Enhancers

65 Goblin Warrior
Grindell put the finishing touches on his flyer.

Tired, Wounded, Run Down

Dr. Grindell's is coming to help. Bringing the finest cures and enhances to your
city soon. First stop will be the Undercity with help for the Forsaken. Holy Protection
(to prevent those nasty holy burns) and Elixirs to help reverse grave rot. As a bonus
I will present to you the tamed presentations of the Alliance's wild woman. Prepare for Dr. Grinell's visit to your city for the finest in cures and enhancers.

Grindell was pleased. The flyer would be posted in the cities on his visit list. Looking around at his shelves with glistening bottles and flasks of potions, everything is in readiness. Now for that wild woman of he Alliance.
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl picked up the flyer off the ground. Hmm. This sounded interesting, and slightly dangerous. A traveling medicine show? Perhaps he could help get Abon out of the Undercity.
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