(A) New to CC and looking for RP Guild

85 Dwarf Warrior

My wife and I just made a cross country trip from Florida to California. We've been spoiled silly on Argent Dawn with a great RP guild and are looking for a new one on Cenarian Circle to join up with. We made the server change due to intense lag and major time difference trying to log in and play from California.

Who we are:
~ I am an experienced RP player who beta tested WoW and has called Argent Dawn my home since vanilla released. My wife is more casual and does not play as much as I do, but she loves to RP and enjoys socializing.
~ Mature players who love to have fun and de-stress on WoW after work and on our days off. WoW is not worth the trouble when it becomes less like fun and more like work.
~ Altaholics: My main is a dwarf Prot/Fury warrior and my wife plays a Holy/Shadow Priestess. However, we also love to mess around with five or six other characters. I love melee and she loves finger waggling.
~ Casual: I play mostly 11:30p-1a PST (after work) and 11a-12p PST on Sun/Mon. My wife is more casual, but we both work the same schedule.

What we are looking for:
~ RP! First and foremost. We are IC 95% of the time and enjoy that over all other aspects of the game.
~ Casual, friendly and family oriented players who understand when 2 year olds have a crisis in the middle of a dungeon. (doesn't happen often, however) Family comes first for us, as does work.
~ PG-13 guild chat with little-to-zilch RL drama.
~ Casual raiding (nothing mandatory. I love occasional raiding, but we don't raid enough to have an outlandish gearscore).
~ Mature - childishness/selfishness is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. We love a guild that has respectful players that don't mind if you are inexperienced in something . . . and don't cry about it if you are dressed in all blues.
~ Population - it's hard to do much with just a handful of people online most of the time. Our former guild had between 10-25 people on during peak hours, most nights.

If this sounds like your guid, then please contact me (Barachûs, Chazzie or Pêrrin) in game and/or leave a post with your guild web site link here.

Thanks to you all!
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85 Human Paladin
I want to say awesome and excellent post. You put all the information about exactly what you're looking for right there. That's helpful to us guild leaders looking for more people to join the ranks.

That being said, most of what you describe tends to find PoH and sounds like you and your wife would be a great fit however my main concern would be the plan times. We're all spread out across different time zones and your play times are a bit late and the I understand not wanting to be in a guild during times when no one is around.

Good luck in your search and if you happen to get an earlier schedule we'll be here.

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85 Dwarf Warrior
Thank you for your kind response. We still hope for a good home and will continue our search.

The weeknights are not as crucial as our days off. I hate to be on during peak time and find only 5 people around. I'll do a few /who's for PoH folks while I'm playing and see what I come up with.
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97 Tauren Hunter
((Welcome to you both! I hope you can find that on Alliance, sadly I don't have any suggestions as I've ALWAYS played Horde since release. O.o

Anyway, as I said.. WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME! and.. I LOVE your attitude towards wow and your commitment to roleplay. I strive for that same angle every day I play...hence my chronic lurker status in Hordeside OOC channels - sometimes it's the only place to find out what's up.. *grinds teeth and mumbles*

I hope you both enjoy your stay here and I REALLY hope you find a guild that suits both of your needs. Should I see you on the fields of battle, I shall toss cookies your direction!))

Seeking handsome, tall, hairy and horned Shu'halo bull for long bloody hunts and candy filled nights...
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Welcome to CC!

My first suggestion is to visit the stickies on the WoW: CC forum. One sticky has a list of both Horde and Alliance RP Guilds along with who to contact, their websites and a bit about them. A great resource that shouldn't be missed!

Second will be to add the two RP Channels that the Alliance side commonly use. /hearthstoneIC is the IC channel and /allianceOOC is the OOC channel. I've had great luck on the OOC channel finding new RPers simply by asking around.

Third is to find out and learn where the RP spots are. Feathers of Iron run a Tavern on Tuesday nights in the dwarven district. The Blue Recluse in Stormwind almost always has someone in it during the evening. There are other locations and events, I just can't remember them off the top of my head!

Addons, like FlagRSP, are not necessarily required but I find can help point an RPer out in a crowd. I am IC 95% of the time as well, but don't have the 'time' to walk around the city while I run my errands, etc. I often do walk, and encourage others to do so, but the reality is sometimes I don't have all night to hit the Bank, the AH, class trainer, profession trainer, RP Spots, etc, etc at a walking pace!
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85 Dwarf Warrior
Thanks to Snowfeather for your encouragement and Vasilia for your suggestions. I have, in fact, visited the CC forum sticky, but I either havn't been impressed (just have to say that guilds without web sites/forums really turn me off right away) or the guilds I am impressed with have their regular events planned on nights that I have to work (booo for work!).

Anyway, I am still searching and doing /who checks on guilds I am interested in. I don't join a guild lightly, based on previous experiences throughout my years in EQ, EQ2, LoTRO and WoW. I would form up a guild of my own if I had the time to run it. But, alas, I do not.

Here is wishing you all a good eve! <hoists a large tankard of Dark Dwarven Lager in the air>
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100 Human Mage
Welcome to CC, Barachus! We can always use more role players here. Vasilia's tips about in-game channels and the like should help you get involved in our excellent community. Allianceooc especially is likely the best way you'll find to get information on guilds that may not have people visiting this forum. But since I am visiting this forum...

Much of what you mentioned would make you a great fit for the Luchduu Ocheliad. Nearly every last Ocheliad is an adult, and most of us have jobs/families so we entirely understand and support the idea that real life comes first. We have players ranging from folks who are online every night, to the sort that drop by a couple times a weeks. However much, or little, you and your wife play wouldn't be an issue.

As far as raiding goes, we typically have at least one 10 man raid team put together, but our focus as a guild is RP, not raiding. If you're hoping to be able to fill in for a raid occasionally without having to commit, the Ocheliad could be a good place for you.

Population wise, I'm pretty happy when we have 10 - 15 guildies online at once. With guild population becoming a bit more important in Cataclysm, we are more actively recruiting to help boost those numbers.

Our guild chat is IC, and PG13 limited until 10 p.m. at night when we relax the restrictions. You won't find guild chat (or our OOC channel) to be incredibly vulgar even then.

ICly, the Ocheliad tends to lean toward the less lawful pursuits in life. Our roster is made up more of ex-mercenaries, thieves, dark wizards, necromancers and various crazies than anything else. We have a scattering of truly good people, but if your characters are fully the Lawful Good sorts, PoH would probably suit you more.

I'm online most evenings, Barachus, so if the Ocheliad sounds interesting to you, I'm eager to answer any questions you have. You can also simply check out our website at www.ocheliad.org
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85 Night Elf Warrior
Wait....Imp! you most likely forgot who I am havn't you?
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