[H] - Hellions is recruiting for Rated BG's

85 Goblin Death Knight
Hellions is recruiting for PvP.

We're a raiding guild with talented players looking to find decent players that would like to do Rated Battlegrounds / Arena / Etc.

We will probably run on the weekends, and / or during the weekdays. It isn't mandatory to attend these events, but is very helpful to.

Please note: You need to be able to respectfully talk to our members, as for trash talking the opposite group in ventrilo is fine, don't allow it to leak into Guild-Chat or anywhere else.

Let me continue by answering a few questions that might arise.

    Q) If we join under PvP can we still raid?
    A) Yes

    Q) Am I limited to just PvP?
    A) No.

    Q) Will we have organized events?
    A) Yes in fact there will be many of them.

    Q) I'm not so good at PvP but I would like to try, can I still join?
    A) As long as you are willing to learn.

    Q) I'm in an arena team and I'd like to join, do they have to join?
    A) Not at all.

    Q) What timezone are you based around?
    A) We're more or less around the Eastern Time zone, but we have players who play until the early morning.

If you plan to join please APP http://hellions.guildlaunch.com/ Here put that you're interested in PvP.

For more information about recruitment please contact: Kardalys
For more information about our PvP Group please contact: Gulrok
Edited by Gulrok on 1/14/2011 5:27 PM PST
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85 Troll Shaman
Bump, we need more for rated BG'S!
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85 Orc Warrior
Good to see a guild doing RBG on CC! How many slots are available? I might be able to fill a few of them
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85 Goblin Death Knight
This week we have 10 accepted, and 15 on tentative.

Accepted > Tentative
It is a 15 person weeks, and I don't expect everybody to show up. Yet hopefully we'll have people to fill in the blanks. I'll let you know how quickly it fills.
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85 Orc Warrior
01/20/2011 1:26 PMPosted by Warrgasm
How many slots are available?

For your pvp recruiting, how many players are you looking for? My friends and I are interested in joining the guild, to help fill RBG player quota. We haven't been quite successful at recruiting for RBG, so a merger (talking only about 4-5 players, 3 at 85) is what we hope to negotiate. We aren't big on raiding, just more into pvp.
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85 Goblin Death Knight
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Hellionsss or Die, yesss!
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If you ever need a spot filled feel free to give me a shout either on this toon or my dk Balinor
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