Give my new addon a shot! :)

85 Human Rogue
Hey all -

I just released an addon tonight, and would love to get some adventurous souls out there to give it a whirl. :) From the documentation:


Ever need to bind a spell or ability, but had no idea where to put it?

Wondering why your keys feel awkward, but having trouble visualizing your layout?

KeybindViewer was created to solve these problems. This addon shows you an interactive display of your keybinds across both keyboard and mouse, both for your action bars and for a select subset of other actions (like movement). Hovering over a key shows you a popup with what actions are bound to it, along with any required modifiers. Keys colored bright red are for action bars, dull red are for non-bar actions, and light blue shows you what modifiers can be used with a given key.

The on-screen keyboard can be dragged and resized, and is highly configurable. Users can change which side the mouse appears on, select different key layouts (Us-En by default), change the number of buttons on your mouse, and select what bars/addons are included in the display.

KeybindViewer is usable anywhere and anytime, in or out of combat. Type /kbv to see options.



Lemme know what you think! Thanks,

EDIT: Updated to add the link to Curse.
Edited by Fitzcairn on 1/18/2011 8:30 AM PST
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85 Human Death Knight
Great idea! If I used a normal keyboard id use it, but sadly I dont.
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85 Human Rogue
01/15/2011 11:06 AMPosted by Jacoste
Great idea! If I used a normal keyboard id use it, but sadly I dont.

Well, that's actually pretty good feedback. It's designed to make it easy to create other layouts--is there a special keyboard you use that I could add? Are you using an N52 or something?

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100 Human Mage
Would this addon work for the Logitech G15 keyboard? I make a lot of use of the extra "G keys" on the left side of this amazing keyboard so that more of my abilities are available with single-button presses instead of using multi-button keybinds. But if the addon only shows "regular" keys, it wouldn't be overly useful for me, I wouldn't think. I may download it all the same, just to see how it functions.
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85 Human Rogue
01/16/2011 4:03 PMPosted by Imperon
Would this addon work for the Logitech G15 keyboard? I make a lot of use of the extra "G keys" on the left side of this amazing keyboard so that more of my abilities are available with single-button presses instead of using multi-button keybinds. But if the addon only shows "regular" keys, it wouldn't be overly useful for me, I wouldn't think. I may download it all the same, just to see how it functions.

It will work just fine no matter what keyboard you use. :) However, two caveats about your keyboard choice:

1. Right now I've only included the standard 104 key US layout--which the G15 has, just with macro buttons.
2. it will only show binds for keys that WoW recognizes. Since the macro buttons operate outside of WoW, it will not find and display your G15 macros.

By the way, be careful about posting what you do with your G15--automating abilities like that gives an unfair advantage and is against the TOS. See for links to pertinent blue posts on the subject.

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85 Tauren Paladin
I use a G11 keyboard, and I use the 18 G keys for -almost everything-. I can list the functions I don't use the G-keys for: Jump, Marking (F5-F12 are raid markers), movement (I'm a mouse mover), and, of course, chatting.

The main thing when using your G-keys is -never- record a macro with programmed delays. As long as you don't include programmed delays, you'll be safe. IE: "Press 1", wait 1.5s, "Press 2" as a macro. That's botting and will get you in serious trouble. :)

I have G7-G12 macroed to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 respectively. G1-G6 are macroed to 7, 8, 9, 10, -, and =. And G13-G18 are Numpad 1-6. So WoW sees a "G7" press as pressing "1" (this is because the central set of 6 keys are what I use most often).

So ya, no programmed delays, other than that, you're safe.
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100 Human Mage
My G keys are only mapped to functions I could do otherwise. Like I have an Alt-1 macro, for instance. Instead of hitting Alt-1 on my regular keyboard to cast my counterspell, I hit the G12 key for that key binding. Nothing automated here. It's just one button instead of two and it's in a more convenient location.
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85 Human Rogue
Haha and now that I'm done derailing my own thread, a bump for more testers! :) Will be adding full support for Dominos and Bartender in the coming day or so.
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85 Human Death Knight
01/16/2011 11:42 AMPosted by Fitzcairn
Great idea! If I used a normal keyboard id use it, but sadly I dont.

Well, that's actually pretty good feedback. It's designed to make it easy to create other layouts--is there a special keyboard you use that I could add? Are you using an N52 or something?


I use a steel series merc, google should bring up the layout.
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85 Human Rogue
01/21/2011 6:52 AMPosted by Jacoste
I use a steel series merc, google should bring up the layout.

Right on, thanks, I'll look at it.

Small bump for newly-added Bartender4 and Dominos support. VuhDo is coming next.

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